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Shes older and already has a boyfreind, but I can't stop thinking of her

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I met my freinds sister 3 weeks ago. I've known him for 4 years, but never really met any of his family. Right now the only time I EVER see her is at this after school club that is helf tuesdays and thursdays. For the last 3 weeks I and her have taken a walk around the building to get to the drink machines. Since I first spoke with her I have not, I cannot stop thinking about her. She is the most incredible girl/ " young woman" I have ever met. It drives me insaine that unless I do something I will never spend more than 20 minutes a week with her, walking to the drink machines. At the moment I see each day, each hour as empty time until I get that 10 minutes walk with her again.

I recently found out she is dating a guy who goes to my church. Everyone I know thinks that he is a drunk and does drugs and that he is going to take advantage of her. I don't really know him, but HE TEACHS CHILDRENS CHOIR!

Im a freshman she's a junior, though everyone I have spoken to says that 2 years means nothing. She is a head shorter than me which is kinda cool. She works 3 days a week as a waitress and I only work during the summer since I can't drive yet. I can't imagine asking her out seeing as I can't even pick her up and she has a boyfreind, as I said before she is the most incredible girl I have ever met and those 20 minutes a week are not enough. WHAT TO DO !!!

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