Smh1987 Posted October 15, 2018 Share Posted October 15, 2018 Hi I am a 31 year old man who’s just had a break up in my first proper relationship (never loved anyone before). I could see the break up coming, but I thought and even suggested we spend time apart where she stays at parents place. I live in Helsinki in Finland and I am from England originally, I’ve been here for a year and a half and I met this woman last June from tinder, tinder being something I loathed and never thought I’d find anyone from there. She’s Finnish/russian with a pure Russian mentality, so clean, smells great, everything in order... she seemed like a woman who was friendly, but at the same time has a distance, it seemed strait away that I totally smashed her guard down and it all felt to good to be true, she even said if she met guys on first date and they wouldn’t dress smart then she wouldn’t see them again, and I turned up after the gym in a gym tracksuit and then had to rush off to football practice. Again what happened after felt to good to be true, it was like love at first site but didn’t want to scare her or myself.... we didn’t live with each other for 2 months and in that time things moved so fast, we ended up taking an apartment together and then went on holiday... it was on holiday I finally admitted to myself I actually love this woman, and I would throw myself in front of a bus for her, I couldn’t ever imagine myself without her, before it was to easy to let go and accept things wouldn’t work for whatever reasons... I just realised I absolutely love her. And I never wanted to tell her this because it might scare her, and she claims that she didn’t or doesn’t believe in true love.... but doing soul searching for the last week and reflecting I think she did, just by things she said and the way she acted..... she never gave a damn about football before she met me, she didn’t even care about how russia will do in the World Cup; yet she was glued to screens with me to watch games, even came to watch my games also. The burden of me being scared of losing her drove her away and I didn’t know how to handle the situation. Especially telling her I love her and that I don’t want my life to carry on without her until the day I die (I mean this even now) We argue as we usually do about stupid stuff we never once argued about something meaningful, oh why did you forget to take the spam out again etc etc, but it got to the stage where I took things personally even when she was saying that I need new clothes etc.... I wasn’t ever violent I lost it at her once when I said you’re just a ****ing idiot you’re 28 years old and it’s like arguing with an 8 year old etc etc and she said to me “oh wow is that your worst?” I said yeah pretty much so let’s jus go to the shop. Two times we had a heated argument where I went to give her 100 euros while we pick up keys to apartment and I had to be somewhere in a rush strait after, i I was so she could get cleaning stuff for the apartment so again nothing major and typical the supermarket didn’t have a cash machine, then the argument got bad for no real reason and she even said she wanted to jump off the motorway bridge, at this point I didn’t antagonise her any further I cried with her and said there’s no need to be like this, I told you I would meet you tonight to give you money with father to go out and spend.. Here is the cause of the break up.... I am emotionally unstable, pure fear yet she worshiped me... I would take things personally, complaining etc, and my attitude changing, nothing toxic, no real personal hate.... It all makes sense now, she always says this you let your emotions get the better of you, and she is totally right, it’s only when something is, or could be to late you reflect and take responsibility.... She said just over a week ago that she’s lost feelings for me etc, it was a horrible feeling but I didn’t react so bad, it only hit home when we slept seperetely later that night. Earlier in the day I went to play football, big headed whatever you wanna say, I was untouchable, dominated everybody, my best game for some time yet on the way there on the bus I was fantasising about suicide, I wanted to press an exit button on life if there was such a thing. It was like when my nan died in 2010, that terrible feeling that someone you love has died, and what could you have done to stop it? There was nothing because she had cancer in the blood, I watched her die I was one of her carers and I was helpless to do anything.... but with this it was my own actions that caused it, emotionally unstable, thinking I was not good enough for her, yet it was always her that said this about me, she came into my life when I wasn’t feeling that great, and pretty much had nothing. Would it of been so different if I got the fact that I love her off my chest? The signs was there a lot that she wanted to hear and know this, but with my own insecurities in my warped head, it would make her feel trapped, how can something that’s meant to feel so great make me like this? Can I win her back? I would do everything in my power to, I would jump in front of a train or bus for her, so why not!? I came to meet her two days after the break up, I was an emotional mess, like not knowing what I was saying or thinking, her guard was fully up, looking at me like I had just killed a small puppy or something, she wouldn’t even give her parents who’ve done a lot for us presents, said she will put them in the bin.... so yeah I cut off Contact with people, I was emotionally all over the place, just spoke to a friend here, and my step father back home, she was really worried with her father they came into into my apartment next day, concerned about my well being etc... We then had phone call next day and again, emotionally a mess, going round in circles with the same old stuff.... she says she wants us to move on, but yet always questions her decision with friends family and work colleagues and when she’s alone especially walking the dog.... I owe her money for what’s in the apartment and for her dads washing machine... I secretly went to see her parents also to give them more presents and to just have a talk (through google translate), and her mum kept constantly breaking down, her father not so, just different emotions and they really like me, even contact me through WhatsApp from time to time. She refuses to tell her parents the reasons she broke up with me, and she absolutely can’t bring herself to say bad things about me, but will speak to me at times like I’ve done something terrible. Today she said she doesn’t wanna speak to me on the phone or especially see me because I can’t keep my emotions stable, and I’m hysterical, you want to talk to me about money but you’re gonna wanna speak 20 minutes wanting me back etc. I told her that my emotions are calm now and the reason she didn’t answer is Cos I know she’s a headless chicken when she gets ready for work. I said I’m paying you money for stuff, I’m drowning right now yet you won’t even give me a final chance to talk with my emotions in check, so she then agreed to talk later She accused me before of being selfish with especially money which i somewhat agree with, that slowly started to change after buying stuff for the apartment, expensive rent and holiday... she said Saturday that she didn’t believe I would pay a cent for anything.... so today she’s had 500 euros Maybe the trust of me paying money has broken her guard down a little bit, and then of course hearing me talk about the subject of money will bring it down a little bit more, I totally lose control if this was last week, I did on one phone call which lasted 26 minutes, I woke her up and she was getting ready for work which she kept telling me about. By being like this with my emotions, she actually said on that phone call that I push her away even further, was all I am doing just prodding a bear with a stick? She even pretended that she was out drinking Saturday night, because she knew I was out.... yet I know with confidence she was just on her bed probably staying up watching a movie on the laptop. How do I know this? Her father told me. How do I get through this? I pushed her away not because I’m a bad person, it’s because I’m emotionally unstable with the only woman I ever wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I understand that I must leave her alone when she’s angry and upset, “im better off single etc” yet she checks up on me at the apartment with her father to see if I’m ok, not announced, they’ve been in when I’m not there because one time the car pulled out the main road.... Any advice and help would be appreciated, I saw this coming, but was to unstable and stupid to do anything about it. I know my problems, and my bad habits so I need to show change with my actions, the apartment is real clean and tidy how she would want it etc, she can’t see it like “oh he hasn’t changed he keeps forgetting to take the spam out etc” or if it looked like a junkie hang out or something “oh god I was his mum the whole time”... she will then see how she’s dodged a bullet and this is a guy who only promises to change if I come back to him and be his mum again? But most importantly I need to keep my emotions in check Link to post Share on other sites
Author Smh1987 Posted October 15, 2018 Author Share Posted October 15, 2018 It just feels right now that I’m drowning in the ocean and the mistakes I’ve made which are sharks are eating at me, and there’s no rescue service to save me Link to post Share on other sites
Felt Better Posted October 15, 2018 Share Posted October 15, 2018 First time is always the worst man, my ex fiancee was Russian and honestly I'm not sure even to this day, and even though I loved my latest ex that I'll ever be over her completely. She was just the same, all those principles and the hard exterior but once the guard was down just the sweetest most loving person you could ever meet, it just takes a special person to bring it out in them. Believe me, I know exactly how you are feeling, it's rough, what I can say is, don't beg her and plead with her she's not thinking the same as you right now, just let the dust settle. Russian woman like men who are confident in who they are and have their **** together. Don't make the same mistakes I did for gods sake you'll just make it worse. She won't pity you, she'll lose respect for you only. If it doesn't work out I can assure you, you will be fine in the end, it's hard going, seriously, but you'll look back and have nothing but love for that person and be able to be happy that they are happy whether it be with you or someone else. Also you'll remember things that you weren't so keen on and how your ideal will change slightly. It's all a learning curve. Good luck. Keep your head up and chest out. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Smh1987 Posted October 16, 2018 Author Share Posted October 16, 2018 First time is always the worst man, my ex fiancee was Russian and honestly I'm not sure even to this day, and even though I loved my latest ex that I'll ever be over her completely. She was just the same, all those principles and the hard exterior but once the guard was down just the sweetest most loving person you could ever meet, it just takes a special person to bring it out in them. Believe me, I know exactly how you are feeling, it's rough, what I can say is, don't beg her and plead with her she's not thinking the same as you right now, just let the dust settle. Russian woman like men who are confident in who they are and have their **** together. Don't make the same mistakes I did for gods sake you'll just make it worse. She won't pity you, she'll lose respect for you only. If it doesn't work out I can assure you, you will be fine in the end, it's hard going, seriously, but you'll look back and have nothing but love for that person and be able to be happy that they are happy whether it be with you or someone else. Also you'll remember things that you weren't so keen on and how your ideal will change slightly. It's all a learning curve. Good luck. Keep your head up and chest out. Ok and what mistakes did you make? The begging and pleading? I think my focus now is solely on my self improvement and little things like early nights, this is where the anxiety and over thinking creeps in.... Link to post Share on other sites
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