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Friend's wife blaming my wife and I for their divorce

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Telling her husband to go stay at a hotel over the Kavanaugh issue is absurd. Her husband was being punished for something he had nothing to do with!


I am on the side of the husband who has decided to leave his wife. She has created a hostile home environment over her political views! While I support her right to her opinions, it seems like she has gone a bit overboard. If she is mad now, how will she react if Trump is re-elected? :eek: Why should he be forced to walk on eggshells in his own home, simply because she has taken her political beliefs to an unhealthy level. If she wants him back, she needs to learn that there is a time and place for radical political views, and a marriage isn't it (unless he shares her views).


OP, just be a supportive friend for him, during this difficult time. If your wife wants to remain friends with her, I suggest she adopt the "We can discuss anything but politics" rule. I have had to do the same with a few friends, and it usually works out well. On friend I have does try to slip in her political views, and I explain again that I refuse to discuss politics with her, and when she tries to force the issue, I politely end the conversation. It has preserved a 20 year friendship. She is welcome to her opinion, and I am allowed to end a confrontational conversation. It works for us.


On a side note: Our daughter is engaged, and even after 5 years, we still have not had our families get together for dinner. Why? Because his father screams at the TV during political news, and won't listen to an opposing point of view, even if it is correct. He cannot even control himself long enough to sit through a dinner, without bringing up politics. He is ALWAYS right. No study, or amount of valid proof will change his mind! Point being, is that some people get so invested in their political beliefs that they can destroy relationships. His son doesn't even visit when his dad is home alone, because he gets verbally attacked if he doesn't agree with his father. Even if his father is wrong, how dare anyone correct him! It is unhealthy to be so invested in politics (or anything else) that you destroy your family life.

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I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that a person this nuts is living on this planet. What a complete fruitcake. How did her husband ever stand her? Just hang out with he guy and be a good friend to him. If I were your wife, I’d stop talking to this loon of a woman.

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