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Is she truely interested????

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Hi, i recently met this girl through mutual friends and we really hit it off. We talked one on one until like 8:30 in the morning. We kissed, but just sweet short session. It seemed appropriate. She even had said she "wanted to do that for the last hour". Anyways.....i call her the next day and get the machine. She calls back the following day, and asks me to meet her and some friends for drinks. I thought cool. Of course i go. We have another great time. Very comfortable and lots of eye contact and flirtacious touching. She smiled the whole time.......i'm talking two full rows of teeth. Beautiful!! So, by now i'm really into this girl. It's like we've been friends for years. So, we go back to her place. Talk awhile, and i offer to cook her dinner at my place sometime. She says, "i would love that". Things seem to be going well. I leave, give her a goodnight peck. She's receptive, maybe expecting more. I'm trying to be the gentleman that i am. I call a couple of days later. Leave another message. I don't hear from her for 4 days. Maybe she was busy? In the meantime, i probably blew it because i sent flowers to her place. "Just Because" nothing too lovey-dovey. Just to show that i'm a romantic kind of guy. And i figured the reminder of me might help. I finally get a call back. She thanks me and says she's been busy. I try to set up the dinner plans, but she's going out of town for the weekend. So, we left it as " we'll get together next week then" I need to know what to do to win her over. Or at least to give me a chance too. Should i chase or let her figure out what she wants? Does it sound like she's even into me? Ladies........your input on how women operate early on would be great!! Sorry so long. Thanks for any responses in advance. Do nice guys really finish last?? I sure hope not!

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hi jonesey,


welllll....things certainly do sound like they could go someplace good with this girl. yes, she does sound interested. you've also been the perfect gentleman, so far.




while your flowers were a lovely gesture, i would seriously recommend that you play it cool. coming on too strong, too soon, is the one thing that will put a girl off. it's kind of scary actually, and makes girls think things like, "if he's this into me now, and we've only just met, what will things be like if we get involved??? he might smother me to death!"....that's not to say that you've ruined your chances with her...there's still other ways to get her to chase you.


the one sure-fire way for a girl who likes you to pursue you, is to back off, and play hard to get. be a bit aloof, and she will wonder why you haven't called and she will want to call you to see what you've been up to etc.


she knows you've called, she won't forget you, she has your number, she knows where you are.....if she's super interested, she will call back. just don't call her...it's her turn to do the chasing now.


there's every chance that you haven't blown it with her, but on the off-chance that you have, think of all the other gorgeous girls out there (with two full rows of teeth), who you can chase after....discreetly.


good luck to you! :)

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hi jonesey, welllll....things certainly do sound like they could go someplace good with this girl. yes, she does sound interested. you've also been the perfect gentleman, so far. BUT.... while your flowers were a lovely gesture, i would seriously recommend that you play it cool. coming on too strong, too soon, is the one thing that will put a girl off. it's kind of scary actually, and makes girls think things like, "if he's this into me now, and we've only just met, what will things be like if we get involved??? he might smother me to death!"....that's not to say that you've ruined your chances with her...there's still other ways to get her to chase you. the one sure-fire way for a girl who likes you to pursue you, is to back off, and play hard to get. be a bit aloof, and she will wonder why you haven't called and she will want to call you to see what you've been up to etc. she knows you've called, she won't forget you, she has your number, she knows where you are.....if she's super interested, she will call back. just don't call her...it's her turn to do the chasing now. there's every chance that you haven't blown it with her, but on the off-chance that you have, think of all the other gorgeous girls out there (with two full rows of teeth), who you can chase after....discreetly. good luck to you! :)

Thanks for the insight. I will try to stay busy and not call her. I guess if it gets to the point of a week or more, i can safely assume that she had a change of heart. Thanks again for the help. ~~Jonesey

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