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Just a little something ...

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Hi All, I haven't posted in here for a long time but still reference a lot of what I learnt on here and have passed it on to many of my friends who ended up in the divorce loop.


A few days ago a verse jumped into my head and I proceeded to just write what every came into my mind and the following poem is what I got.


Please have a read and I would appreciate your thoughts as I am thinking of getting more into it. I posted it on Facebook , and my Aunty who is a leading Psychologist in Queensland Australia asked if she could use it for some of her male clients struggling. That was nice to be asked. Anyway here it is :)



It started as a vision

And lead to a dream

How quickly it changed

From happiness to the extreme.


It was Pandora who released

what i was yet to feel

From sadness to anger

This was not the deal.


A father , a husband

A path i did choose

But a say in it

Was something i would lose.


With family and friends

My new journey had begun

But slowly in time,

A darkness would come


It started as a puppy

But not for long.

A beast would decide

That i was no longer strong.


A battle ensued

For many a year

Until no longer,

My path was not clear.


A end to this

Is what i desire

what type do you ask

Some say it to be dire.


A light is what i need

But the tunnel has been long

But to those to who have helped

It's your light that shone.

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