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Should I contact her again?

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There's someone I was interested in before that moved away and only comes to back to town for a couple a year. Last time she was here I messaged her about getting together when I saw her FB post, but she said she was heading back the next day (and I saw her post when she went back). Back then she told me she'd like to get together when she came back in September.


A week into September I asked if she was in town and she said probably the end of the month and I said we should meet up. Yesterday she posted she just arrived here. I'm going to be traveling for a week so I don't know how much time I'd have to see her if she did want to meet up. A few times ago I asked and we setup a time at the last minute.


Should I wait for her to contact me or should I contact her? If she doesn't want to see me I don't want to be bothering her while she's here.

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Seems like if she specifically wanted to see you while in town, she'd have contacted you personally to tell you when she'll be in town. I think she doesn't much care. Sorry.

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Fk yeah why not , do it. She's female it's your job to contact her and she's given you plenty of hints.

lt's only pride, it'll recover if she says no.

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Do reach out but don't have any expectations that you two will be able to connect. She doesn't seem as into meet you are you are to seeing her. If it works, great. If it doesn't, you tried.

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Do reach out but don't have any expectations that you two will be able to connect. She doesn't seem as into meet you are you are to seeing her. If it works, great. If it doesn't, you tried.


Thanks, I reached out and she wants to get together.

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Most often your biggest fears are never realized.


If she wasn't interested it would have been fine too.

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Most often your biggest fears are never realized.


If she wasn't interested it would have been fine too.


Definitely. She'll be here for a couple months so I'll probably have a chance to see her again a few times. Right before she moved away I asked her out and she agreed and I've seen her a few times since then.


It seems like I'm much more interested in her than she is in me. At least it's additional practice around someone attractive. Maybe I can try some of those innocent touches you're supposed to do in a first date.

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Definitely. She'll be here for a couple months so I'll probably have a chance to see her again a few times. Right before she moved away I asked her out and she agreed and I've seen her a few times since then.


It seems like I'm much more interested in her than she is in me. At least it's additional practice around someone attractive. Maybe I can try some of those innocent touches you're supposed to do in a first date.


If you get the vibe that she's less interested than you are be ready to meet up only as friends. Romantically - move on, don't be hung up on her. You're just wasting your precious time that you'd better off using finding that someone that wants to connect the same way as you do.

Trust me - been there. After second similar experience I took this attitude and I've been a lot happier and luckier.

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If you get the vibe that she's less interested than you are be ready to meet up only as friends. Romantically - move on, don't be hung up on her. You're just wasting your precious time that you'd better off using finding that someone that wants to connect the same way as you do.

Trust me - been there. After second similar experience I took this attitude and I've been a lot happier and luckier.


Actually I got a much more romantic vibe than before except I may have messed things up. She looked incredible and was very friendly. We had planned for a quick meeting and ended up talking until the restaurant closed. I was exhausted and actually told her I needed to go since I had to get up early for work.


We talked about dating in general and asked me what I've done and I answered honestly and afterwards realized maybe I didn't pain myself in the best light.


At the end of the evening I walked her to her car and she asked if she could take me to mine even though I told her it was so close you could almost see it. I agreed and when we got there I gave her a hug and went to kiss her on the cheek and something was a bit off as far as positioning. Right after I started driving home I started thinking maybe the reason she wanted to drive me to the car was she wanted privacy so we could have a real kiss and she had positioned herself for it.


I can't believe I didn't go for a real kiss and that I told her stories that weren't that positive about me as far as dating. I think I was talking to her about dating the way I'd tell a guy or what I'd post on here about my experience.


After that I asked her if she wanted to get together and she told me she couldn't make it then. What do I do now?

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You need to be more cool, calm and collected.


Yep you should have went in for a kiss.


You need to get to a comfortable point to where you're natural. It takes some time. Don't worry about it or over analyze so much. It's just a date man.


You don't have to embellish yourself but you font bare your dole either.


Think of it this way. You'll date many if you choose. If this doesn't work out you'll learn from it. It's not the end of the world. Far from it. Have fun!!!!!

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Id give her some space. No pest texting, etc. maybe plan out next weekend.


Ask her out for a nice movie/dinner date.


Stop worrying so much.


If it doesn't happen you aren't out much.


No big deal

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Id give her some space. No pest texting, etc. maybe plan out next weekend.


Ask her out for a nice movie/dinner date.


Stop worrying so much.


If it doesn't happen you aren't out much.


No big deal


Thanks so much! I will try my best to forget about her for now and not contact her. I keep wishing I could get another try at that moment in the car. I'll definitely ask her out again. She told she wanted to get together again so hopefully I'll make it happen.

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