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It is better to expose the abuse


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Than to hide it? Thoughts on this? I was encouraged to speak about my experiences and I find it is better to talk about it than to keep it inside and let it fester. Some victim's feel bound to secrecy by their abusers, but I think it is better to speak about it in a safe place and get it out.

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People who will keep secrets for their abusers get chosen for that very reason. They start small with things you are thinking to yourself, That didn't seem quite right, but it's such a small thing, I'd be petty to call him out on it.


You should call out bad behavior, abusive behavior, lack-of-boundaries behavior loudly and in public right when it happens to send a clear message that you will NOT be keeping his secrets and will bust him immediately. "COUSIN DARYL, DID YOU JUST RUB YOURSELF UP AGAINST ME???" "John, is your self-worth so low that it makes you feel like more of a man to criticize me in front of your friends here?" or a coworker: "Mr. Riley, did you need something? I noticed you've been looking my way for awhile."

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