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I think I'm in love with a married woman

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I'm a 23 year old man, and I think I'm in love with a married woman from work. We have worked together for a year now, and I've always been professional and never ever thought about dating a colleague, until recently.


I've always thought she was pretty, but never made an effort because she is happily married, and I don't wanna make things awkward at work. She have talked about her husband alot, so I think she is happy with him.


Couple of weeks ago me and my co-workers had a big celebration outside of work, and we got drunk.


When we were drunk, she asked for my Snapchat and invited me to the dance floor. We were together the whole night and had so much fun. Even though I was drunk I never made an effort in kissing her because I didn't wanted to make things awkward, and I know she's married so...


Why would she ask for my snapchat and invite me to the dance floor? I know I may sound stupid, but could she be interested? When I was in a relationship I would never ask women for the snapchat or invite them to the dancefloor even if I was drunk, but that may just be me... Maybe because my ex was really jealous idk.

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Whoa whoa whoa hold on there. Your obsession with her is making your brain see things that are not there. It happens to a lot of people...you got a work crush, formed a bond, but that is all it is a crush and should never act on it...ever. Just because a man or woman is married, doesn't mean they are dead. dancing is just dancing unless they are grinding their crotch on your leg. She was just having fun,nothing more and not crossing any boundaries...so back off buddy.

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Why would she ask for my snapchat and invite me to the dance floor? I know I may sound stupid, but could she be interested?


No. You're not stupid, but she isn't interested in the least. You would have known that without a shadow of a doubt, liquor or no.


She was out with coworkers and being friendly and social. That's it. Stop reading any more into this--it doesn't exist.


When I was in a relationship I would never ask women for the snapchat or invite them to the dancefloor even if I was drunk, but that may just be me...


That's you, but it still doesn't mean anything more than coworkers out being social with one another. Adults can do that without winding up in someone's bed they're not supposed to be in.

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She's not interested. You were there. There is nothing more to it then that.


One public dance & being connected on social media is meaningless. She's not leaving her husband for you. Had you foolishly tried to kiss her you may have found yourself in the HR offices the next morning being asked to retake sexual harassment classes.


You are also not "in love" with her. You may be lusting after her. You may find her attractive but you don't know her in a romantic way.


Since you are having trouble reading the social cues, put some distance in here. Be professional but avoid situations with alcohol.

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When you find that special girl who is available & into you too things will be wonderful. Happy hunting.

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Another woman chiming in here:


No, she hasn't given any indication that she's interested. She's being friendly, not flirty.

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I'm a 23 year old man, and I think I'm in love with a married woman from work. We have worked together for a year now, and I've always been professional and never ever thought about dating a colleague, until recently.


I've always thought she was pretty, but never made an effort because she is happily married, and I don't wanna make things awkward at work. She have talked about her husband alot, so I think she is happy with him.


Couple of weeks ago me and my co-workers had a big celebration outside of work, and we got drunk.


When we were drunk, she asked for my Snapchat and invited me to the dance floor. We were together the whole night and had so much fun. Even though I was drunk I never made an effort in kissing her because I didn't wanted to make things awkward, and I know she's married so...


Why would she ask for my snapchat and invite me to the dance floor? I know I may sound stupid, but could she be interested? When I was in a relationship I would never ask women for the snapchat or invite them to the dancefloor even if I was drunk, but that may just be me... Maybe because my ex was really jealous idk.


I agree with the others but I'll add something else. Be real careful when getting intoxicated around her. Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Given how you feel right now, you risk doing or saying something you'll regret. Avoid her for awhile until you are able to shut the feelings down.


- Beach

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I'd just add that you sound like a respectful young guy who knows his boundaries, as a married woman this may make you 'safe' to her. Also just getting a guy onto the dance floor at a works night can be a miracle sometimes so don't overthink it. Just keep maintaining those friendship boundaries lol...







Edited for spelling - one day I'll get back to a proper keyboard without predictive text ;-)

Edited by Amethyst68
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