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I was 6 years in relationship

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Hi, i want to share something with you and want some opinion from clever people out there.


I was in relationship 6 years from age of 13 with my ex, who broke up with me, i am dumpee. So first thing what i did was begging, pleading etc, because i had no experiences with breakups, but after a 2 weeks of trying i tried no contact, i even tried to ask her where is the problem, what i had to do etc.. she always said she doesn't know... on all questions i gave her. So i was upset because she clearly doesn't want to bother with it and want to be happy and let me being sad. So i went no contact but not fully, sometimes she wrote me and i wrote her... then some no contact again. But after my birthday when she wished me happy birthday i went full no contact because I asked her if she misses me and if she wants to see me and she said - i don't want to talk about it. I blow up in rage because she was going to trips with her friends.. even one male friend and didn't even cared about me. So i insulted her and told that she will never find someone like me who will tolerate her behavior etc.. and told her that i will never take her back and to not write me ever again. Which was my fault i know, I did bad thing because i let my anger control me. So now i am 3 months of no contact (radio silence, i blocked her on my social media too, interestingly she blocked me back and never unblocked since) It's been 5 months post breakup. I really miss her but don't know if relationship was alright, i just.. can't stop thinking about her... i don't even want to find someone else. I just wish she will contact me and we tried to sort things out. I don't talk about reconcile because i don't really know if i will ever have trust in her again and forget all these things. But what really bothers me is the fact that i am trying to get over this and doing things right but there is no outcome... I can't forger her or can't get her back.. i feel like all my energy i put in it was waste...

I want opinion from you.. and help... What do you think i should do? I really wish she would come back, but now i feel hopeless. Thank you..


P.S. forgive me my bad english, thank you

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Heartache certainly sucks no matter who you are. I'm sorry about yours.


Your relationship is over, finished and done. She broke up with you and in the course of time you had a big fat fit. That just confirmed in her she made the right decision to break up with you. You guys are young and still growing up, things change in people as they evolve in maturity. It's time for you to move on. Stay in no contact and stop ripping the scab off the wound or it will take even longer to heal.

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She told me after breakup that maybe in the future we can get back together, that we let time decide... but after while i have enough of this "game" of now knowing where it goes. So i went crazy... and told her to never come back to me again.. which i didn't wanted but at that time i just want to over all of hurt. Since then she never reached and it's been 3 months... I think if she really cared .. she would reach out .. but i don't know.. maybe she respects my decision? I don't really know... But i think if you love someone.. you sacrifice your ego or your pride .. which she didn't do. So maybe that love from her side wasn't strong enough

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