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Ive never felt these feelings before?

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I ended a relationship yesterday and I was extremly sad having to do so but it was the right thing for both of us. Today I have never felt this feeling before. I simply feel "emotionally drained" I dont want to talk to my friends, my family, anyone at all at the moment. I simply want to be by myself, im not sad or happy and its weird. I have my moments of missing her but its very short. I am very introverted so I am assuming its because dealing with people is exhausting and after a break up ive ran out of all energy for people.....Anyone else had this before?

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Yes, actually. I had a very good friend who demanded I date him (wanted to live together) before he was even divorced, as soon as his wife moved out (she was the one trying to cheat). I was in a weakened state from having a very traumatic breakup I wasn't over, and beginning to work with my ex-bf, all very overwhelming. Then my apartment blew up and I was homeless. So circumstances made me be with him when all my rational thought told me no, bad timing, maybe later.


Needless to say, it didn't work out. I was so relieved after I broke up with him. He lived right nextdoor (I wouldn't move in, so he followed me to this horrible apartment complex where my landlord moved us after the gas explosion). I always knew I'd lose him as a friend and hate that part, which I did and do, but I was relieved to stop the pretense of being together, so relieved. I didn't really experience all the relief until I moved out of that apartment complex where I couldn't see his coming and goings, but once I did, it was just like fresh air. But it's too bad I lost a friend. I just was in a weakened state or I'd never have let it all happen.

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It's normal. Emotions come in waves, they are not steady, they are not linear, and they can be rather unpredictable. So your mood can vary considerably in the early stages. You might not be sad now, but be prepared for it. It's the mind and body's way of cushioning the shock and grief that happens when you lose a primary attachment figure. It's generally accepted that being the dumper is a much better place to be than the dumpee- because you have control over the situation, you had time to prepare, and rather than feeling so much anxiety, and rejection, and low self esteem, and endlessly questioning what you could have done differently, it's typically just a matter of accepting that your decision was correct and not second guessing it and waffling.

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