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Husband want confuse how he met his whores which is his clients now

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While I was seperated from my husband last month he slept with two of his clients. The thing is he want tell me how he met them. I think I have the right to know where he meet these girls. Eventhough he know who and where with my sexual partner. He said, "that he had the right to know because i left him. But still I'm back now and I want to know because he is dealing with his ex-whores. Tell me if i'm right or wrong.:confused:

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I think you're wrong. I think you two need to drop it all, and work on repairing the marriage. If you both can't drop it, stay faithfull, and work on each other, you being back with him means nothing.......

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I am with Moose on this. Work on making it work or get out. You leave a marraige and sleep around and he sleeps around--I guess that is fair game if you are separated. Why you told him about yours (or how he found out) is irrelavent as is your knowledge of his.


And is your husband a pimp by trade? What makes these women whores? Just curious.

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