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Do you think she is interested in me?


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Hey everyone,


There is this girl at work I have been fond of since I feel our personalities match and she's just the type of person that makes me feel alive. I have known her for a few months, but we never saw each other outside of work until recently.


The previous weekend we were at a party and she told me to stop texting my girlfriend (we were having some issues and I let her know about it).


Then this week we went out with another co-worker (female) to a night club so it was just the 3 of us. I did not expect her to go because it was quite a drive for her, but she did. We had a great time and there would be some subtly touching while we talked. Later she got some a slice of cake from some people nearby and they asked if I wanted one and she answered for me and said we would share. She then took a bite and then started to feed me with the same fork. I was not expecting that at all. At the end I did the same and she accepted it. Also if I made her laugh of whatever she would lightly lay her head on my shoulder.


I am honestly not sure what to think. I have a LDR and she knows that as well. She is a religious person as well and told me she has never been in a relationship, but she has tried to date a guy at work that had a girlfriend but didn't continue because she didn't want to cause drama.


What do you think?

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She clearly doesn't have an issue with coming on to colleagues who already have girlfriends, so yeah sure she might be interested, but is that really the type of girl you want to be involved with? I guess since you have a girlfriend and are happy to cross these boundaries the answer is yes.


If you want to pursue it further, go ahead. Just do the decent thing and end your current relationship first. Your girlfriend doesn't deserve to be played like that.

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