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Any Advice?

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I have been dating a woman on and off for about 3 1/2 years. We have broken up twice in that time, both times it was her doing the breaking up. The first time, I managed to get her back. We dated for another year and then we broke up again. I decided that was it. I didn't talk to her for 4 months and then one day she pulls up in my driveway and proceeds to tell me how she had been going out with another guy but she could not get me out of her head. She didn't think she made the right decision by breaking it off. I was up front with here and told her that I was not going to be a "rebound" for her and if we did start going out again, it would not be as just friends. I also made it clear that both of us needed to have the same goal in the relationship and that was a committment.(marriage) Whether that happens or not who knows, but it needs to be the goal. She agreed and we are now going out again. She seems to be moving a lot slower than I would expect. We have been going out now again for about 2 1/2 weeks. I see progress as far as her showing affection but she still shys away from intimacy. Is this normal? I keep telling myself that since she came back to me she should be showing more affection....

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Bobby Dygytul

Did she ever give you the reasons why she broke up with you the few times she did? There had to be some kinda reason or purpose she did that. Did that reason(s) somehow change or were they solved?


If she has some kind of problem with this relationship so bothering that she had to breakup with you, then you and her need to work on finding out how to solve it(thats if you want to keep her). Do you all ever talk about it?


You have left out some important details. Its realy hard to give you advise without some of these details. Why did her and the guy she dated between breakups stop seeing each other?


(sorry i asked you so many questions. maybe someone else can answer this without the details you left off)

I have been dating a woman on and off for about 3 1/2 years. We have broken up twice in that time, both times it was her doing the breaking up. The first time, I managed to get her back. We dated for another year and then we broke up again. I decided that was it. I didn't talk to her for 4 months and then one day she pulls up in my driveway and proceeds to tell me how she had been going out with another guy but she could not get me out of her head. She didn't think she made the right decision by breaking it off. I was up front with here and told her that I was not going to be a "rebound" for her and if we did start going out again, it would not be as just friends. I also made it clear that both of us needed to have the same goal in the relationship and that was a committment.(marriage) Whether that happens or not who knows, but it needs to be the goal. She agreed and we are now going out again. She seems to be moving a lot slower than I would expect. We have been going out now again for about 2 1/2 weeks. I see progress as far as her showing affection but she still shys away from intimacy. Is this normal? I keep telling myself that since she came back to me she should be showing more affection....
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Well, my friend, what's happening is this:


She's still seeing the other guys and the affection is going to him,,,face it!!!


She doesn't probably think you are a very good lover and that's why she left as well... face it.


She likes you and your personality, but the bedroom stuff needs serious work,,,,face it.


She likes the material things you have and wants to be apart of your LIFE , but isn't gonna give up the "goods" unless you get some books like " The Joy of Sex" and learn to pleasure your woman so they don't leave....


You should just lay low and let her do the affection to you if she wants and get on with your LIFE,,,,


Be friends with her and find some other woman, then tell her it just doesn't feel right being back with her especially since she was involved with that other guy...tell her to go back to him,,,it WILL hurt you but you must move on, man!!!


I have been dating a woman on and off for about 3 1/2 years. We have broken up twice in that time, both times it was her doing the breaking up. The first time, I managed to get her back. We dated for another year and then we broke up again. I decided that was it. I didn't talk to
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Well, my friend, what's happening is this:


She's still seeing the other guy and the affection is going to him,,,face it!!!


She doesn't probably think you are a very good lover and that's why she left as well... face it.


She likes you and your personality, but the bedroom stuff needs serious work,,,,face it.


She likes the material things you have and wants to be apart of your LIFE , but isn't gonna give up the "goods" unless you get some books like " The Joy of Sex" and learn to pleasure your woman so they don't leave....


You should just lay low and let her do the affection to you if she wants and get on with your LIFE,,,,


Be friends with her and find some other woman, then tell her it just doesn't feel right being back with her especially since she was involved with that other guy...tell her to go back to him,,,it WILL hurt you but you must move on, man!!!


I have been dating a woman on and off for about 3 1/2 years. We have broken up twice in that time, both times it was her doing the breaking up. The first time, I managed to get her back. We dated for another year and then we broke up again. I decided that was it. I didn't talk to
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