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While I was seperated from my husband last month he slept with two of his clients. The thing is he want tell me how he met them. I think I have the right to know where he meet these girls. Eventhough he know who and where with my sexual partner. He said, "that he had the right to know because i left him. But still I'm back now and I want to know because he is dealing with his ex-whores. Tell me if i'm right or wrong.:mad:

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He still interacts with these women on a regular basis? Is there anything you know of still going on? Lets say he does tell you what you want to hear. How would knowing that help, and what would you do with the information?


Its likely he isn't telling you, because he isn't certain what you would do with what you find out.

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More information is not always helpful and very often makes things worse. Why do you feel that you have a right to know? Why does the fact that you were the one to leave give him the right to know all the details? Skewed logic and immature attitude going on here. Whatever led up to the split gave you both the idea that going out and hopping into bed with someone else was a good thing? Hello?? You both need to get serious about your relationship and get to work on it, instead of punishing each other for real or perceived misconduct. Otherwise, you can expect more of the same nonsense and in the end you will kiss it goodbye.

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