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need some major help

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I have been with my fiance sara for 3years. We have a 2yr old son together. My mom and her never really got along but i love her. we were living in the state of mass where all of her family was. We met in Nashville Tn. All my family is here in west virginia. With Sara and my mom not getting along the greatest I cut contact with them for over a year.My parents and I are getting along great now but I moved back home and she is up there. I need all four of them in my life but Mass is too far from my folks. sara doesn't want to move down here. we have been thru so much I don't know what to do, or how to talk to her. There are more financial possibilies here than in mass. She says that since I left to come back home she can't ever trust me. My dad has cancer and both are up there in years thats why I came back. She is my world all of them are. I love her so much.we had planned on getting married.i still do. please help me.


<e-mail address removed>

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Your fiance should be much more understanding and flexible. You've known your parents all your life. Your dad is sick. You get along great with your parents. Plus you have better job opportunities where you're at right now.


The only thing missing is a stubborn and uncompromising woman.


Tell her that you care about your father, and you care about your career. But that you care about her too, that's why she's your fiance, and that's why you want her to move down close to you. But if she doesn't agree, then start thinking about your priorities, and what's most important to you.


All I know is that if I loved a guy very much, and especially if I was engaged to him, I would do my BEST and put a full effort into getting along with his parents, and working things out between them. I can get along with 99% of the people I've had problems with if I put in even the least effort. It's not too difficult.


And unless I was in a fantastic and irreplacable job, I would move to pretty much any city/country that he was living in.


By the way, if she's acting this way now, how would things be AFTER you two got married?

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