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Whats a gurl, to do? with a boi like this?


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Broke up with my dumb boyfriend about a year ago.

I really cared about him, I think even loved him deeply but he was very moody, he had a habit of pushing me away.

I have some of his stuff still, im not sure if I am holding onto to it to hurt him or to keep a hold on him.


He has said he misses me more then the stuff, but im not sure wheter to believe him or not. I hate him at times and I miss him at times.


Im afraid to meet him. But I do find myself missing him alot. I had a real connection to him.


In any case lately he sent me a very sweet email. It had a song in it. It had such lovely words in it, and I think it means he really loves me still.. I think he s too afraid to say, so he saying it with the song..


I guess my problem is now.. Im very upset and confused.. He sent me this email, I called him and he isnt answering his phone.. I think I have called him 7

times in the last few weeks.. maybe 3 weeks..and tried to catch him on msn

and he doesnt reply back... Im kinda hurt here, cause that email stirred up some feelings I had.


Should I keep trying or ?

Im feeling very hurt.. plus why isnt he answering?


this sucks, I dont know why I still like him, he made me sad so many times...



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I guess my problem is now.. Im very upset and confused.. He sent me this email, I called him and he isnt answering his phone.. I think I have called him 7 times in the last few weeks.. maybe 3 weeks..and tried to catch him on msn and he doesnt reply back


... Im kinda hurt here, cause that email stirred up some feelings I had.


He hasn't replied in 3 weeks after sending you that email & you calling him 7 times?!


Should I keep trying .... ?


Of course not !!


Broke up with my dumb boyfriend about a year ago.


Sounds like he's still pretty dumb to me.

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Give him back his stuff whatever it is you have that belongs to him, just give it back.


NEVER attempt to hold onto someone by keeping thier personal property hostage... IF this Guy isn't into you and doesn't want to be with you, keeping his CD's (or whatever it is you have) isn't going to make it so.


Do NOT call him, email him, IM him, or text him EXCEPT to tell him his items are in a box sitting on his doorstep.. nothing more.


IF this Guy cares about you he knows how to reach you.


Hang in there

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Ok well now he has sent a reply.


Im not sure wheter he is sincere or not. It says he has been thinking about me constantly. But he has been dating, but it not working out. He says he is on his own. He says he knows its me calling him late at night.. I forgot to mention I block my number, he asked me why I didnt leave a message.. I dunno..He says he misses me. He even asked about my cat. Why didnt he answer? Sounds like he was with someone else....


He even sent another song... I dont think this email makes up for him not answering, Ive already sent him a reply back saying to get lost. Im really hurt!!


But now im kinda missing him, and he probably wont contact me..

This sucks!! Hes a dummy but hes a sweet person under.. he used to tuck me in. He did the dishes and made the bed.

Im so angry at him.. and he never chases me, I wish I didnt tell him to get lost but reading that email really hurt. And the stupid song... I dont even know if I would want to speak to him he sent me another email. Im so angry!!

But I do miss him...... what to do what a dumb boi!!

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