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Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

I always thought i would be the greatest boyfriend in the whole wide world whenever i find the right girl for me. (im currently single) DAMN, i took too long and now i know that some other guy has already beatin me to that status. What do i do now?

I've been dating my boyfriend for 2 1/2yrs. and consider him the greatest boyfriend in the whole wide world & I knows he loves me very much. He does wonderful things for me. Lately I feel he takes me for granted, by always knowing I'm going to be with him on the weekends. We no longer make plans for each other, if we do at the last minute he changes everything & makes plans w/others and will leave me out at times. I have to practically force him to hold me or even give a nice comment & it doesn't feel like it's from the heart, more like pulling teeth. I've been going through medical situations and I feel no attention or support maybe that's why he is being distance. I'm feeling very distance & angry towards him. Using the word angry is a strong word, I'm hoping there is a way I can really get him to understand the way I'm feeling....I've spoke to him several times and his response is always "It's no big deal", "why I'm I acting this way", "I'm being ridiculous", "it's not true" "We always spend time together". He has a very hard time communicating, he spends most of the time running his mouth & never take a minute to let me say anything without him interupting. Have any suggestions or other ways to approach this situation.
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