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boyfriend doesn't want to get married

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we have been together four years


the relationship feels very good and strong


we trust, support and admire eachother


i feel i am ready to take the next step and make a formal commitment-get married


he says he feels committed and happy and that we don't need to be married...that the most important thing is that our relationship is growing stronger


should i be patient?


will he come around, or is it time to move on?

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we have been together four years the relationship feels very good and strong


we trust, support and admire eachother i feel i am ready to take the next step and make a formal commitment-get married he says he feels committed and happy and that we don't need to be married...that the most important thing is that our relationship is growing stronger should i be patient? will he come around, or is it time to move on?

My best friend didn't want to get married either (he dated the same girl for seven years)......she couldn't understand why.......Then, he finally asked her to marry him........it is strange.......my first instict was that there is something stopping him from getting married..(like another girlfriend).....I don't know if this was true or not.


I really don't have too much more to offer.



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we have been together four years the relationship feels very good and strong


we trust, support and admire eachother i feel i am ready to take the next step and make a formal commitment-get married he says he feels committed and happy and that we don't need to be married...that the most important thing is that our relationship is



stronger should i be patient? will he come around, or is it time to move on?


I guess it depends on you and what you really want in your relationship. I was with my boyfriend 2 1/2 years. At times we talked about getting married, but his mindset after 2 1/2 years that we still needed to get to know each other better. (Keep in mind we lived together for a year and 2 months.) As far as I was concerned, he knew me. All of me!!! There wasn't anything left to get to know.


So what happened? It ate away at my heart and soul. After all this time, he couldn't totally commit to me. I felt he was still keeping his options open "just in case something better came along" Maybe I was wrong in thinking that...but what else was I to think?


Anyway, in time, it really destroyed me. And after


all that time, we broke up. (Don't get the wrong idea though, there was more to it then just the marriage issue) It's only been one week now, and at times I still feel like dying. But what do you do? You go on. You find a way and you make it.


It all depends on you and who you are. Does he realize how important this is to you? Are you willing to not get married? There's a lot of things you need to come to terms with before you make a decision. But really think about it...do you really want to spend your life with someone who doesn't have any intention of marrying you? I don't think you do...otherwise, it wouldn't bother you.


Best wishes....I hope it works out.

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thx for the feedback tammy


what you said made alot of sense


we did talk about it more and he says that alot of it for him is because his parents had such a bad marriage he doesn't want to make that mistake


but i told him i don't buy that one


i will give it a little more time


am not ready to give up on it yet


the thought of him not being a part of my life does scare me


but then being with someone who can't commit is worse


good luck with your stuff



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