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Re: Feeling Hurt.......

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Okay you have two ways to handle this situation:


#1. You're not allowing him to chase you. Make yourself less available to him. Starting today, don't call him so much, don't ask to hang out with him so much. Don't call him today. If he calls, don't answer. Call him Saturday night, talk for no more than 10 min. Then say that you have to go, and that you'll call him later.


Do NOT ask him to see you this weekend. Do not make plans with him, even if he asks you to. Don't call him Sunday. Then call him Monday afternoon, and let him know that you'd like to see him this week, and ask HIM to give YOU a call back. Again, don't talk for more than 10 min.


Now, don't call him again until he returns your call. If he doesn't call Tues...or Wed...or Thurs...don't worry. DO NOT GIVE IN. DO NOT CALL HIM BACK. NO NO NO NO NO! If he calls back, go ahead and hang out with him, a couple days during the week. And when next Saturday rolls around, go back to the beginning of #1, and repeat. TRUST ME. You will see a BIG change in his behavior.


Now if he doesn't call you by the following weekend, see #2.


#2. He's acting this way with you because YOU are letting him. Stop sounding too needy, stop bugging him about making time for you. The more you bug him or mention it, the further you're driving him away. But then again, why do you want a boyfriend that acts this way?


Start thinking about whether it's worth it. Being in NO relationship is better than being in an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship. WHY do that to yourself? Start going out on your own, start hanging out more often with your friends, start spending more time in your hobbies. Start thinking about letting him go.

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"The Rules", huh? Actually, no.


But what I wrote is just very simple and basic information that one should just know without having to read any book. For example, knowing how to not be so needy, not be so dependent, and knowing how to back off if someone isn't being friendly.


Btw, who's the author?

been reading "The Rules" lately? ;)
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The Rules is a great book for spiritually aware people..


The full title is "If Life is a Game, then These are the Rules" , you should be able to find it for around $15.00US...



"The Rules", huh? Actually, no.


But what I wrote is just very simple and basic information that one should just know without having to read any book. For example, knowing how to not be so needy, not be so dependent, and knowing how to back off if someone isn't being friendly. Btw, who's the author?

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I totally agree with your advice and I think that sort of an approach will easily weed out those who are not interested from those who are.


"The Rules" is a bit controversial. Many think that it is nothing more than "playing games" but I have read the two books and the advice in them is very straight forward although quite old-fashioned. Time tested techniques, really. The authors are Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider.

"The Rules", huh? Actually, no.


But what I wrote is just very simple and basic information that one should just know without having to read any book. For example, knowing how to not be so needy, not be so dependent, and knowing how to back off if someone isn't being friendly. Btw, who's the author?

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