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Ok guys...this is long but please read...

This is a long story but I will make it short. I live in South Carolina. I met this guy a few years ago. Honestly we do not remember how we even met. No I have never met him in person. He went to UCONN and I think one of my friends was on the phone with one of his friends and some how him and I started talking. Well for a while there we talked, exchanged pictures and all that stuff. He had a ticket to fly here to come see me. (by the way he lives in Connecticut) Well it didnt work out because I had something come up. Well 2 years went by I dated another guy but i never forgot about this guy. It was like there was this connection from day one. It was really odd. He said he felt the same way. Well we started talking again the other day. It had been 2 years but it was like we picked up where we left off. He said the same thing. He has now graduated college and pursuing his career. He is soo wonderful. We talk all the time. We think about eachother all the time. I feel like I have known him forever but we have never met. We are currently planning a vacation here soon somewhere. I know this sounds crazy but I just feel he is the one and that we were ment to meet. It is so odd how it happened. It was like we belong together. I know it is going to be hard but if everything works out I would be willing to move or vice versa. I was just wondering if anyone had any input...or anything similar. It is already hard because I want him here with me. =(

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I know this sounds crazy but I just feel he is the one and that we were ment to meet. It is so odd how it happened. It was like we belong together. I know it is going to be hard but if everything works out I would be willing to move or vice versa. I was just wondering if anyone had any input...or anything similar. It is already hard because I want him here with me. =(


This is the script which has been used for thousands of online relationships by people unaware of how little you actually know about someone you've never met.


By all means meet him but do so safely. Arrange for separate rooms and separate transportation. Google him if you can and see if you can find anything out about him. Tell all your friends where you're going and arrange to check in with some of them.


One of two things will happen; you will find him to be everything you thought he was or else you will discover he's quite different at a distance than he is in 3D. The latter seems to happen more often than the former.


Good luck and be careful.

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Yeah something similar happened with me. We ended up meeting, and have been together for 4 years. Some people, IMO, are unforgettable, 2 years from now, or 10 years from now. Umm but it's not easy, and takes lots of work. I have cried many many nights, lost many nights of sleep, we broke up once, it's been a ride lol. But, it's worth it :D

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