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This is a long story so I'll try to shorten it as much as possible to save some of you guys some boredom ;).


I've had a crush on a girl at my school for a few years now and she had a crush on me for awhile too. Her and I know eachother and talk sometimes. I'm a shy person and never got the courage to ask her out, so she went out with another guy.


She broke up with him before summer for whatever reason, so a few weeks into summer I asked her out, she thought I just wanted to hangout but later she found out I was actually asking her out. Well, I guess her and her boyfriend got back together during that time. On the first "date" she asked me if it was ok to bring some friends who were "in town" I didn't want to be mean, so I said it was ok w/ me. They turned out to be her boyfriend and her best friend. She lied to me a few times during the summer. I asked her out again and she turned out to be a no show, she apologized but never gave me a reason why she didn't show up. She invited me to go see a movie with her and her friends though, which didn't go to well. After all that sh*t, I found out she had a boyfriend. And I really didn't talk with her that often for the rest of the summer.


School started back up a couple weeks ago, and with my luck she's in one of my classes. Sometimes we'd say hi to eachother or look at eachother and smile. I know she has a boyfriend but stuff like that kinda happens by accident, but sometimes we just completely ignore eachother like during class . Right now, she might be single again, but I can't tell for sure.


Part of me just wants to forget about her b/c of all the sh*t she did to me ( I've left some of it out for your sake). But part of me still wants to go out w/ her. I know that I probably look like a desperate idiot to her. What do you guys think I should do?

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