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Experience with grief groups?

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Hi everyone. Wondering if any of you ever used/went to any grief groups and have an opinion to share as to how useful they were to cope with a loss.


A few months ago my mother passed away unexpectedly. She was my best friend and though I think all considered I am doing my best to cope, I am having a rough go nonetheless. I am going to therapy, and that is helpful, but I also just moved for a new job weeks before she passed away, so don’t really have many friends near me. I am wondering if going to a grief group might be helpful, as might be sharing with people going through similar circumstances. At the same time, I am a pretty private person, so I am hesistating. If anyone has any experiences to share, would be very thankful.

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I have a family member who found such a group very helpful when her son passed away.


Not much downside in going, if you don’t find it helpful you can simply stop attending ...


Mr. Lucky

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