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Sex while a spouse is cheating

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This is a question for people who are married/ in a long term committed relationship.




If you have had an affair, or if your spouse has had an affair, were you still having sex with them up until d-day?

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My exW and I had sexual relations up until we split domiciles permanently. Sex was more recreational to her, I'm horny need that oomph now, and I wasn't having sex with anyone else so... however, due to my EA at the time, there were times that sex felt 'wrong' to me, more of an emotional schism than anything else. If she was having sex with another guy, something I assessed more after we split observing and reflecting, it apparently wasn't a problem for her but that's speculation since I can't, nor couldn't, read her mind.


In our case, from my side anyway, there was no D-day nor cheating in the classic sense, exW met AP early on and was fully aware of my intentions before things began. I think her ability to compartmentalize let things go on as long as they did. Perhaps that's a common trait in those who can have sex with two people at the same time. Not my cuppa.

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Yes, still having sex. Even had sex once while we were split up and he was seeing her. I did it to make a point. It worked. Pissed her off bigtime and he was left with two women pissed off with him.

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Yep, we were still very active. Don’t know if it matters, but my affair wasn’t one of these “love affairs” but more a FWB that I hooked up with a number of times.

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