NaughtyMonkey Posted November 20, 2018 Share Posted November 20, 2018 Don’t date co workers. I first met this girl I was dating another girl & she was dating another man. (not co workers) we then both became single, we weren't really friends. But we both been single for about two months, neither one of our past relationships were long. Just a few months. Jane had a co worker give me her number. My friend Brad also received her number from the same co worker. I was hanging out with Brad and Jane had sent him a text asking him to hang out he couldn't because he was busy. I get the same hang out text. I told brad I don't want to hang out with her because I feel like a 2nd choice. He talked me into going. Went to the mall & saw a movie. She said it was a great date. (I didn't know that was her intention of hanging out) I work an overnight shift 10pm - 7am. She worked during the day varying hours. Few days went by and she asked if she could come over after work on one of my days off. Watched a movie in the living room and then went back to my room, (first time she ever been to my house) she goes and lays on my bed and lifts up her shirt and shows me her boobs. I told her they were nice and did touch them but then starting talking about other things. (I like a challenge & bit of a chase) when she left she said "I really thought we were going to have sex" Couple days later I go to her house and when her parents weren't around she was all over me. Touching me, putting her legs on me. I told her that I like history shows so she finds that kind of stuff on Netflix and puts it on her for me. In her room & we kissed. Sex did happen but it was at my house after a few weeks. She told me something alarming. She said that it had been so long since she had sex, she really needed it and was getting to the point where she felt that if she got raped, would enjoy it. She told me that her last boyfriend wouldn't have sex with her because he's saving himself until marriage and that is why she left him. Some of my friends told me that she was asking what kind of person I am. If I would be good to her. Trying to find my likes and dislikes. She always have my favorite soda and foods at her house. She asked me to be her boyfriend, make it official and put it on Facebook and the whole nine yards. I Said yes. Things were good until we hit our one month mark. I woke up to her crying her eyes out. She had my phone. She was going through it while I was asleep. An old fling of mine decided to send me dirty pics (I didn't ask for) and said She needs money & I can pay her for things. Jane was accusing me of cheating and paying other women for sex. I said we been together for about a month and I hadn't talked to that other girl in 6 months. She then says that I could have deleted some messages. I told her I would have deleted the whole message. I told her that she can either stop crying and lay back down with me or go home. She calmed down and laid back down with me. I had the managers bring her to overnight shift and then they gave us the same days off. So we were able to enjoy breaks and lunch together and same nights off. Things were going great. Then things started to go insanely fast. At about our two month mark, She told me she is falling for me. Loves me, see's us as soul mates. And I felt uncomfortable. I told her not to use that word lightly. She would constantly say it. I love you, your a great man. Can't wait to marry you. She wanted a baby. We only been together TWO MONTHS! but I told her that we need to take things slow. She was unhappy. She told me coworkers hated her for being new to nights. Jimmy was really mean to her (or so she said) later she told me that she finally realized why he was mean. They dated in high school. Stories bout him weren't consistent. She told me that he was an ex. Later told me that they never dated, kissed once at a wedding, she was dating this girl in high school and was going to leave her for him. But he moved away. He was fat & was the worst kisser ever. He wants to talk about what happened in high school, but wanted to hang out outside of work. I didn't feel comfortable with this and told her that. I told her you can hang out with other guy friends, but I don't feel comfortable with this particular situation. She got pushy. I then asked her if she can wait to hang out with until after our Sea World trip and we will talk about it more. We got asked to go on a work Trip to another store out of town for two weeks. Paid hotel room, $50 worth of food a day. It was a way to save a ton of money. (My family was going on a Sea World trip around my birthday, her birthday was four days before mine, my mom invited her to go with us) Jealousy came out on this work trip. Johnny drove and Brandon also went. At a meeting & she goes "That girl over there is looking at you like a piece of candy" Later at the hotel we were going to get in the pool and that girl was there and she said we would have to come back later when she is gone. Then they asked for Volunteers for a certain project, me, Brandon Volunteered and she got mad that she was going to have to work with Johnny, she complained that he smelled, didn't brush his teeth. She only wanted to work with me. She smokes weed, so does Brandon and Johnny. Brandon asked me to send Jane over to smoke weed at the hotel, I told her to go ahead but she wouldn't go without me, Said she didn't trust being alone with them. There was a day she was mad at me and talking meanly towards me and Johnny asked me why I'm with her, I told him that I'm starting to wonder the same thing. Saving up money for Sea World was a nightmare. We were staying at a KOA Camp She wanted our own Cabin so we can have privacy and alone time. I told her that She needs to help pay because we both have jobs and I shouldn't have to be the only one paying. Throughout the months prior, she would give me $100 cash here and there for put away for her half, but sometimes she needed it back for bills. She would be all "my mom decided to get her hair and nails down and can't afford the power bill, I have to pay it" Her family treats her like crap. I'll get into that later. I finally told her that if she can't save the money she won't be going. She got extremely pissed and then she finally got the money for us to go. While being there was a nightmare. I wish she never would have went. Complained about the cabin size, the bed wasn't comfortable etc. She got mad when she found out that the place has community showers. So at Sea World she wanted to ride the roller coasters. So we did and then I wanted to go see the animals. She wanted to keep riding rides. I told her again about the animals and she actually through a temper tantrum. I walked away and she followed. We went and saw the animals but she was all pissy about it. Later at the Camp she told me that I need to start doing what she wants. Next day we went to this park that has a bunch of museums. They had a model train museum I wanted to see. She got bored about half way through and wanted to rush it. I told her no. Then we did this Japanese friendship garden she really wanted to see. Then we did the Air and Space museum, car museum and the Museum of history. That night she wanted to take a shower and I was playing a card game with my dad and I told her to wait a few minutes she didn't want to go alone she got mad that I didn't go right that second and went without me and then bitched at me later. Went to the beach. Me & dad were out on this cliff and she asked me go & sit down at a bench, I told her "in a minute I'm really enjoying this view" she actually stomped her foot, folded her arms, stormed off like a 5 year old. My dad goes "did you just see that?” She went to my mom and told her that if I don't start doing things she wants she's going to leave me. I got a little mad at her behavior and told her that if she wants to leave she can walk home. (bad response I was a lil upset) We car pooled with my parents to save gas. The way up there was fine, but on the way back it was complaints. It was hot, cold, she's tired, cramped. My little sister, 7 years old started crying and Jane actually took her fingers and plugged her ears. Like a kid would do. She talked badly about almost everyone we worked with. This person did that to her, this person is this way. Even my friends and her friends. It was bad. Then one day we were hanging out and she goes, "Jimmy has a girlfriend know and doesn't want to hang out anymore" Well that was a big coincidence. Her family According to her treated her badly. Would take her money for stupid things. told her, just don't tell them how much money you have, she would tell me that her mom has her account info and will check her balance. “My mom spent $100 of my money on plants for the backyard.” Her whole family shares one car and she's the only one who puts gas in it and pays the bill. Only her mom and Jane work. Her dad, brother, sister and sisters boyfriend don't work. Her dad is on disability but doesn't get much. She didn't have money for snacks at work or for us to go out. I was getting tired of being the only one paying, she told me and my mom once that her mom admitted that her brother is her favorite child and her mom admitted that she doesn't want any of her kids to grow up or leave her. I plan to move to another state when my dad retires, yes I live at home but only to save money to get out of the state I'm in and she was all I will go anywhere you're going. Her mom threw me a birthday party at her house and invited my family. When we showed up our dads shook hands and then her dad disappeared. Went to his bedroom. Jane told me that she wanted to have long hair but she cut it super short, my mom jokingly called her a liar and then her mom and grandma were pissy with my mom the rest of the day. Her dad left because my dad shook his hand so hard and he was ranting that my dad was trying to show dominance in his house, it was disrespectful. My mom wanted to make a cake for her birthday, my mom told her that her favorite cake is German Chocolate and Jane said “mine too” so my mom made her one, I could tell she didn’t like it. She told me her favorite cake is Strawberry I asked why she told my mom German Chocolate she said “I thought your mom asked me what my moms favorite cake is” Would bring up her ex partners. Told me all about her ex gf from high school. Together for sex years. Then the one night stands she had, she admitted she cheated on her ex gf with a few guys trying to get pregnant. Then we were talking about some co workers and she goes "once a cheater, always a cheater" I asked if that applied to her and she got mad and said that her situation was different. Then brought me up about that other girl say she forgave me once and wants to know if I'm going to cheat again. She asked to see my ex gf pics, I showed her “All your exes and prettier than me, and started crying” She also told me that she could never date a black guy "The guy before me was black, the one who won't have sex until marriage" and she goes "well that's different, I never really liked him, he was my best friend and just bugged me about dating him so I just gave in" My parents got Dobermans she told me that were her favorite dogs. When we get our own place she wants Pitbulls, I'm not fan, had a bad experience with one and she can have any other dog than that. She got mad and started coming up with all these stories from her past on how great they are etc. Just trying to get her way as usual. I think she has a sex addiction. Everything was about sex. I'd be playing a video game, she want me to turn it off & have sex. She told me once that her and her ex gf went at it so long that they both were getting really bloody down there, that's why she feels she can't get pregnant. She doesn't have her periods or ovulate. She went to the Dr. for it but never followed through with it. But it seemed like she wanted sex constantly. Could have sex for hours & multiple times a day, it seemed like it was never enough, she told me that on days we don't hang out she will masturbate about four times a day. She also wanted to go have sex at the park or at work, she heard area’s where others have done it. She said she thinks only multiple partners would be enough for her. She mirrored me, my hobbies became her hobbies, my favorite soda and food became her favorites. Took her to gun range once, she wanted to go, she complained that they only have porto pottys and it was hot and wanted to leave early, I said no I’m not done yet and she got mad. I warned her beforehand it was going to be hot, and how many hours I’m normally there for and she agreed that it would be fine. Out of the blue she was telling me, in high school this one guy that F****D me tried to F**K my sister so he could say he F*****D sisters, who tells there partner these things in that way out of the blue. I found it odd. She complain that we take long breaks. I told her that she can go back, I don't really care about getting in trouble, she would wait with me and then bitch about it. On breaks she wanted sex, it was okay then for a long break. She also complained constantly that she has no real friends, just me and her family, which she constantly talked bad about as well. She was also very emotional, would cry all the time. She would randomly start crying saying that everybody in her life leaves her. She would get emotional during movies or mad. Her emotions were always in extremes. Either really happy or really pissed off and no in between. She tried to cause a fight between me & my mom. Tell me that I'm great son and brother, then go and tell my mom that I need to do more things for her, do the dishes more and vacuum more. She would come over & just randomly do the dishes, she had to go out of her way to make sure everybody knew it was her that did it. We were in bed and she had a really bad canker sore and went to kiss me and I moved and said I didn’t want to get, she got mad, got off of me and pointed at me (like lecturing me) and said that is not how they are spread, she was pissy at work that night about it, and was the next day at her house too. I made a joke once telling her that I was her second choice, that I was with Brad when she asked him to hangout and then asked me and she said she only asked him to get more info on me. I’m not sure if I believe her. The lock on my bathroom door doesn’t always work. I told her that I’m going to replace the door knob and we were in the shower and my little sister walked in and she yelled at me “I thought you were going to change that F*****G door knob. I wanted to break up with her and talked to my friend Brad about it and he told me to talk to her first. So I had a talk with her about things and how I’m not happy etc. She started crying and went “I’m treating you how Debra treated me, your such a good man, I love you I’m so sorry” but nothing changed. Everything I did was wrong, started complaining about everything. Brushed my teeth wrong, she didn't like how I cut my hair, she didn't like that my family uses bar soap instead of liquid soap. She didn't like how I folded my cloths, or made my bed. I was in the shower and she went through my phone again and started rearranging my room. A month later I broke up with her we were together 6 months she was crying and admitted to me that she is a liar. Always plays the victim. She didn’t want to go out of state with and leave her family. She was talking to my ex gf behind my back and trying to get back together with her. I don’t know if this stuff was true or if she was trying to hurt me. I stilled cared for her but I just couldn't do it anymore. Next night back at work, guess who she is hanging out with, Jimmy, ex from high school. Breaks lunches, I see them walking around laughing, I felt like it didn't take her long to move on. After a few weeks, his girlfriend who works during the days found out, demanded that they don't hang out anymore etc. He listened to her so that friendship or what ever it was ended. He quit for another job. The first month of break up we still talked at work here and there mainly about work things, I did get paranoid about her possible being pregnant & I called to ask her about it. Said she isn't, is giving up on kids, she knows it will never happen for her. I started hearing all the stuff she was saying about me, Told people that she broke up with me, that she caught me cheating on her all the time. I was abusive to her, physically & emotionally, controlling & didn't want her to have friends. Called her & asked her why she was telling people these things, just couldn't help it, and she felt like a few things I said sounded kinda controlling, told people I called her fat & wouldn’t make time for her. That I constantly talked badly about her family. She tried to get my attention at work, she would walked by my area for no reason 100 times. Ram my baskets for no reason, stuff to get my attention, Management caught her a few times spying on me. Dirty looks. We hung out on break after we broke up and she took a long break and I was like "you went over on break" & she said "I don't care anymore, ever since we broke up, nobody cares that I take long breaks.” I wanted to call her a liar, I think that was her being controlling. And just something for her to complain about. Her anger started to show at work. She would walk by cussing under breath, I saw her trying to move a pallet, got mad and starting cussing at it and kicking it. So around our second month of being apart she has a new boyfriend, Johnny, the guy who drove us up on the work trip. The one she said smelled bad and talked bad about. He was bragging to a mutual friend of mine about how easy she was to get with, He found out we broke up. He texted her asked what happened. She told him all the stuff I did to her, he told her that he would never treat her bad, She called in sick one night (he works day time) went to his house, cooked him dinner and came on to him, they had sex. When he went to work at 4am she stayed at his house to baby sit his 4 year old daughter, when my friend told me, I'm not surprised, but I wouldn’t let some strange woman watch my kid. They been together a month, he never asked me my side of the story, we are friends. Friends with him on Facebook & he tags her in a lot of stuff. I see them on break together, walking and when she see's me she clings to him, when I'm around she will have to tell him how much she is going to miss him. Part of me finds this funny and makes me a lil sad, months earlier she was telling me the same stuff. She is telling everybody that I was a rebound relationship and she never really cared about me. Her new man is the real deal etc. The plus side is she leaves me alone more often then not and we rarely speak to each other. He's kind of a mean towards me, I'll say hi and he won't or just gives me dirty looks. Or snaps at me. I kinda understand since I'm the ex but I did nothing to him. She didn’t do research on him like she did with me. Asking mutual friends. She was telling my friend Sally her and Johnny are just friends, but she's telling other people they are dating. Also she randomly went up to sally and was all "my sisters pregnant and I don't know what to do, her boyfriend is joining the military to take care of them. Her sisters life is in order and her life isn't, her life is a giant pile of S**T. I think nothing will ever make her happy. I still care about her, but I just can't. She hates me. Is she lying about what she is saying and I never mattered what if she treats Johnny better than she treated me. I know she will at first, the honeymoon period. What if they have a happy life together and have kids & I'm stuck all alone forever. I'm 28 and she's 21. He’s the same age as me we look similar, the same height & body type. Both white with red hair. Mutual friends have said she doesn’t seem the same with him, like not into as much, with me she would find excuses to come and hang out with me at work. She doesn’t do that with him. He’s the rebound. Just wonder if I somehow messed up with a great girl, but then I read everything I wrote here and know she wasn’t great, well at least to me she wasn’t. A friend told me to look up Borderline Personality Disorder. So maybe that’s it. I don’t know. I feel she is one of those people who has to be in a relationship. Never single. She obviously rushes them. Link to post Share on other sites
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