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Hello, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to get something off my chest. Its a long post so just a heads up:



I will try and summarize my experiences of dating a bipolar ex. We dated and was in a relationship for a short period of time. We had our share of quirky fights but there is one in particular we're trying to heal from. Our big fight was centered around our selfishness, she needed to be somewhere important that day and we tried to cram everything in. Although she wasn't late, our argument added to the stress. When I first met her she was the sweetest girl, funny, cool and assertive. In my opinion, we had traits that complimented each other. We enjoyed each others company then around the 2nd month is when things started to go south. Here is a list of things that occurred:


She felt I was around her too much

I lost my job and she became less supportive

She went on a trip for New Years and avoided my calls

She came back from her trip and wanted to break up

She texted her "male friend" that she was leaving me

Then tells me for the first time that she has Bipolar II

Went on a Tinder binge, met a new friend and they called me on FaceTime.

We were already broken up here but it was classless


A few days ago she reaches out for a favor. She tells me how she got out of a relationship with another guy and feels relieved. Something happened a few days prior resulting in her ribs being fractured. It wasn't a car accident, there was a guy involved but she won't tell me what else happened. She had a large order of request for painkiller drugs to mitigate the pain. Needless to say I didn't help her to get any of those drugs and left her to her own devices. She was also bragging about how she used cocaine for the first time and stopped taking her meds. The medicine she was taking is called Abilify. She quit taking it because it was influencing her mood in a negative way so the girl that I thought I knew, wasn't actually her true self.


We talked about repairing our relationship and the only way to do that is to talk about the past. What went wrong and what can be done better moving forward. She had a laundry list of things she wanted me to do differently like tipping at restaurants but the things I needed from her were short. Our conversation took a turn for the worst when I talked about our big fight from my perspective. Instead of giving me the respect that I gave her, she hung up in my face. I care about her but not sure how I should move forward. Crazy thing is she's under 25 and we're a few years apart.


Stuck between I dodged a bullet or trying again. Advice is appreciated.

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Run like the wind blows, you're dodging a bullet. I understand how it is to rationalize a lot of this kind of behavior when you care about someone, but it's far past the time to cut bait here.

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