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i don't know what to do????

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im really like this girl and i made a big mistake of going out with her and not being her friend first. our relationship was really really bad and we broke up. These past couple of years we have been hanging out a little bit and i have been getting to know her better. but i want to be more than just friends with her and everytime i think about her that way i freeze up and i have nothing to talk to her about. and she always says "this is a boring" topic and we don't really hang out that much. i think that hurt our relationship when we went out and we sometimes don't know how to act around each other. i guess i just need help with topics to talk about that won't bore her or just some way where we can be better friends and take the next step of dating


any advice helps



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The basis of every friendship is a certain common ground. If you both don't share the same opinions or you are not into the same things...then maybe you shouldn't waste your time. BUT if you are on the same page even just a little bit, you need to make her comfortable! Make her comfortable by talking about non-heavy issues. You should find out what she is into, and talk about that...or tell her how beautiful she is...or wonderful...


anyways...just don't be creepy!

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