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Ladies, nuances?

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Here is a question for you ladies. Subtle little differences in terminology. Is there a difference between telling someone they are a wonderful "guy" vs. a wonderful "man"? Does wonderful guy mean friend category and wonderful man mean interested in something more? Or are these terms interchangeable? Is there a difference?

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For me, its more of an age and/or maturity thing rather than an indication of how I feel. 'Guys' tend to fall in the 25 (I don't even consider anything under 25) to 30 range (or equal to the maturity level for that age). 'Men' tend to be in the 30 and over range (or equal to the maturity level for that age).

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The word "guy" is less serious. When I use the word "man" like "you're the best man I ever met!" I want to show that I mean it and not just saying it.


A wonderful man also means a wonderful person. You're wonderful overall. A wonderful guy means you're a wonderful male.


But if she was being only friendly and that's her style (to use colloquial language) it could have subtracted the seriousness of the statement.

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There is no more a women's lexicon used uniformly by all females than there is one for men. You would have to ask the gal in question what she meant.

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