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i need help

i needa helpa

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i needa helpa

Ok well Im working a lock in where they lock everybody in for 12 hours. my gf is threre with me while i work, and it allk seems to be goin smooth and then she started to seem a lil' more distant as the nite went on. she didnt really talk to me that much. by the time the morning came and she seems to be coming back to me now. Im thinking great about time. So then her ride comes and picks her up. I call her later and she asks me why im not a talkative? and i am just there like i dont know if she wants this to go on or what so i dont know what to say. so i call her this morning and i find out that her and her friend go to her pool swimming and two guys come over unexpectantly. so i ask what happend while they were there and my gf just seemed to avoid the question. so her and her friend are talking in the back round and i trying to listen and her friend goes oh you dont rememeber that from last nite...thats all i heard....so i dont know what to think she wants me still or not? if you have some advise id like to know...thanks!

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There's no way of telling what is going on because most people who come here are not psychic.


It is obvious that your girl doesn't care to be with you all night at the lock-in so it's very likely she'll take attractive offers from other men to do more conventional things that men and women do socially.

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