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Update on how my life has been after she blew me off


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So if you don't know the story you can read it on my profile, but if not I will write a little bit about it.


Me and her was hanging out since summer, but she wanted FWB or after all that was I thought, but after asking her she wants to move on with her life. While I wanted a relationship. We went on a first date and then she blew me off when I asked for the 2th.


TBH I still to this day don't know the reason. I just say to myself that it's my fault for asking her out. Also she didn't really give me a reason when she told me on snapchat. I don't know if she lied about hooking up because if she had then she would have had sex with more guys than me having it with girls. How do I know she lied? Well she told me that it was her first time having sex when asked.


I've been using tinder a lot and going out on nightclubs. At first I thought it was just me being desperate to have sex or that me being desperate to ask a girl out. But the day went on I didn't think about it. I just go there and have fun.


I also think it helped me focusing on my job. While I was with her almost every minute got me thinking about her when working and finally I got to think about something else.


But one day when I was standing in line waiting for the nightclub to let us in I just happened to meet Tobbe and Krisses best friend (Don't remember her name) They were also going to the nightclub. Tobbe was asking me how it is going between me and Kriss. I answered that it's going fine and then he said this "I heard that her parents are going to move closer to me"


He was clearly playing two-faced. Like he knew what happened but pretended to play dumb and not knowing anything.


Like wtf? when did he knew that I moved out from my parents?? He could be referring to closer to where my parents live also, but I don't think so.


He should know that we're not together and I should tell Tobbe my side of the story. I was cringing inside when he talked about Kriss hahah

Edited by Tagalz
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