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Please help me figure this out.


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I have known this guy just in passing for several years and at the time that we first met I was with someone. Now years have passed and we have both crossed paths once again, this time both of us are single. We have become closer friends than we had been, and I'm not gonna lie, we've had sex several times (and its great). We call each other all the time and talk about personal stuff and things in general. He's made the comment that we sound like an old married couple at times and slips up every now and then and calls me honey or baby. We recently went together to a concert and on the way walking to the concert he took ahold of my hand to hold it. We met up with some of my friends there and when I walked away he told my friend he didnt know what the deal is, if we were afraid of each other or just afraid of a relationship because we both had been so hurt in the past. I have been getting feelings for him and to be honest, yes, i am scared of getting hurt again, but i am beginning to want to risk it just to be more than a friend to him. So, my question is what do I do? Go to him? Or just let things be? He is the shy type and I don't know whether or not to let him come out first. Please help me.

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He is the shy type and I don't know whether or not to let him come out first.


It sounds like you're practically in a relationship already anyway. Just be honest with the guy & tell him how you feel.


....he told my friend he didnt know what the deal is....


So set him straight.

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renewalker, every relationship has the potential to end in failure with lots of hurt feelings, etc. There ain't no guaranteed relationships. People who love dogs know they're gonna outlive their pets, but that didn't stop them from loving these creatures.

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