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for my friend - to give or not?

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So my friend just recently found out that a former ex of her current boyfriend had initiated a conversation that basically in a nutshell said “I’m in a bad mood because every guy that I know / used to date is booed up(in a relationship.) & I haven’t found a guy (or a I guy I really like.) “ she said she saw this convo because her bf had it up on his computer when she went to go use it for her own tech purposes. His only response was “ I understand. No worries.” I told her I think they might have talked a little more before that ? She freaked on the phone with me during our convo but I tried to reassure her that he isn’t doing anything malicious. At least... not intentionally?


But she doesn’t know if she should confront him or not. I told her not to do anything until she’s able to have the convo with him without lashing out. Should I advise her or let her figure this out on her own? I don’t want to be rude but I don’t know how to help her in this case.

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She found out her BF was still talking to an EX. That is always a painful discovery. From what you posted it sounds like your friend's BF was being a sounding board for his EX, listening to her present relationship troubles not actively flirting with her.


I think your friend should talk to her guy about what she found. Confess that she saw it & explain calmly that it hurt her feelings. She can't come at him guns blazing & screaming about him cheating. Your friend also needs to figure out what she wants. Some demand that her guy cut this upset woman out of his life is going to fall on deaf ears & cause him to be defensive.

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