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regretting not accepting his apology.

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long story short...

i am still in love with someone i haven't spoke to in months. i really saw a future with him. right when we started talking he got a new job and i said good luck, etc... he ghosted me for two weeks and i didn't freak out or annoy him. (i let him be the one who text next.) two weeks later he texts "i'm sorry. i'm an *******." but i didn't respond because it hurt so bad. it's been months now and he finally stopped following me on instagram. he used to watch all my stories. we really had something and i feel like i ****ed it up by not accepting his apology but i was driven up a wall for two weeks after good morning and good night texts. if he did care he would have kept in touch?

i feel like he should have tried harder, maybe called?

i got the feeling he did like me, but the two weeks NC while dating was a huge red flag. i think i hurt his feelings and i miss him but i've let this all go on too long. i guess i made a bad mistake, i think about him all the time and noticing him no longer following me hurts. oh well.

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long story short...

i am still in love with someone i haven't spoke to in months. i really saw a future with him. right when we started talking he got a new job and i said good luck, etc... he ghosted me for two weeks and i didn't freak out or annoy him. (i let him be the one who text next.) two weeks later he texts "i'm sorry. i'm an *******." but i didn't respond because it hurt so bad. it's been months now and he finally stopped following me on instagram. he used to watch all my stories. we really had something and i feel like i ****ed it up by not accepting his apology but i was driven up a wall for two weeks after good morning and good night texts. if he did care he would have kept in touch?

i feel like he should have tried harder, maybe called?

i got the feeling he did like me, but the two weeks NC while dating was a huge red flag. i think i hurt his feelings and i miss him but i've let this all go on too long. i guess i made a bad mistake, i think about him all the time and noticing him no longer following me hurts. oh well.


cut the bs, reach out to him. Do you really want to live in regret? Sounds like you didn't like all the affection he was giving you upfront, but now that hes gone you long for that. You can't have it both ways.

Edited by BMWN52
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Without the new job it would be a huge red flag...with the new job you should have at least given him an opportunity to explain.


Here is the thing...its not too late.


The rub is, how much do you really like the guy? It appears that you are stung by him unfollowing you.

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