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Call Blocker?


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Does anyone know of a way to block unwanted calls from a specific person. She lives out of state and my local service does not provide this service except in the local area. I have seen products that allow you to block all calls except numbers that you allow to come through. I would rather have one that lets me enter specific numbers that I don't want calling. I have a vindictive OW harrassing me on a regular basis. We will be changing our number, but I need something to help with this while we wait for that to be complete. Also, can anyone recommend a good keylogger?


Thanks for any input~


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I hope this link is acceptible to the mods here:




Try calling the phone company, just dial "0" and explain your situation to the operator and they'll direct you in the right direction (happened to us here and situation cleared up immediately) or contact your local PD.

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