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hi all. hoping to get some advice here. i am female and have a long term friendship with a male friend of mine. we are both single and went through a bad break up each with other people about a year ago and we supported each other through this time. we are close but we have never ever crossed the friendship line. he has never flirted with me or said anything to give an indication he might be interested. up until now i never liked him as more than a friend.

in the last few months i have taken an interest in him and tried to be a bit more friendly but he has maybe not picked up on it. for the first time ever not long ago i called him 'hot' and he said 'thank you' but nothing else. i also have been trying to tell him more often that he can talk to me about anything but he doesn't say anything to that. i do try to iniate more contact with him asking what his plans are and what is he doing but he is rather short with his replies. very matter of fact and never really asks me anything apart from how are you from time to time.

do you think i have given enough subtle hints and maybe he is not interested or should i just back off? i am scared to tell him how i feel as he is a very good friend and i dont want to lose the friendship or make things awkward between us if he doesnt feel the same.

i also noticed the other day he liked my facebook photo - this something he has never done.

any advice?

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lol smackie9 i don't have the courage to do that!


No? But he might. Lol


You need to ask yourself if he is not indeed interested is losing this friendship worth the risk should he not be interested.


Take a risk and just ask "are we only friend or more?" Because if you fo nothing it will drive you crazy and waste all your time. It will hold you back from meeting other guys too.


Find out now, Or suffer for years wondering!

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Seems like nothing bad has gone on so far in your friendship. Men are always taught that once the woman friendzones you, you can't get out of the friendzone! This is an opportunity to potentially make him overjoyed and over the moon happy. Men are taught that to fight the friendzone, risks being a #metoo statistic and being accused of harrassement. This man is about to have a dilemma that most men will pay money to have. You could start by dropping lots of romantic hints if this is easier for you. I would definitely recommend making a date to really find out.

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Thanks for the advice but i dont think he is interested. This morning i asked him if he enjoys hanging out and spending time with me and all he said is that he hangs out with a lot of people.

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Thanks for the advice but i dont think he is interested. This morning i asked him if he enjoys hanging out and spending time with me and all he said is that he hangs out with a lot of people.

He's not really your friend either for saying that.

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He knows you like him, but he doesn't feel the same way about you. This is why you're getting short answers or non-answers from him; he's trying to send the message that he's not interested in that way.


Sorry, girl.

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