LovelyCowgirl Posted September 14, 2005 Share Posted September 14, 2005 Everyone starts with a story, so I am going to share what it is that happened with my ex and me. When I first me my exboyfriend, we had an awesome relationship. I was always with him, and we got along great. He started telling me that I was the kind of girl that he wanted to marry, and about having kids. All of that future talk. I believed him, not because I am that gullible, but because I could feel it in the way he touched me, and see it in the way that he looked at me. I had never in my life had a guy feel that way about me. He was completely all about me. His friends all loved me, and even they thought we were the perfect couple. I was so happy, and I felt the most incredible attraction to him. Another plus, I did not want to be sexually intimate with him, not yet at least, and he respected it. In the two months that we were together, he never pressed the issue. He was the best guy that I had ever gone out with, I had never felt that way before. But of course, I screwed up! One day I was really depressed, and I couldn't find my boyfriend anywhere, so I called up an old guy friend of mine to go for a drink with me. The next day, I told my boyfriend that I had gone out the night before with another guy, because his friends had seen me and I wanted to tell him before they did. He blew up! He felt like I had disrespected him, I guess he thought I had cheated on him. Well, he hung up on me, and didn't call me for a week. Well, I called him. I apologized, swore that it was all innocent, all of that. Still, he did not believe me. All he would say was that we were not good for the time being. I thought he was just going to be upset for a little while, then get over it. I know he really liked me, so I didn't think he was going to let a little thing like that break us up. I was wrong. He turned out to be one of those really macho guys who would not stand for their girl to come out of line ever, and what I had done was comepletely crossing the line, at least to him it was. So he never called me. For two weeks he did not call me, and our last conversation had been so vague, that I thought we were only taking a break, not broken up. We were broken up, and I found out the hard way. I caught him at a bar with another girl, and I never in my life have been as angry as I was then, although I knew that that girl had meant nothing because he arrived to the bar only with his friends, and it wasn't until he had seen me dancing that he had approached her. I think he was trying to give me a taste of my own medecine. We went outside to talk, and I started fighting with him. Needless to say, I made the biggest spectacle, and he was so embarassed. After that, I did not speak nor see him. Then two weeks ago, he called me, and hung up when I said hello. I called him back, but he didn't answer. A few days after that I saw him, and we spoke. We actually had a nice conversation, and I could feel that the initial attraction that we had for one another was still there. Honestly, we have a chemistry that I can't deny. Since then, all I do is think of him. I want to talk to him and see him so badly, but I also don't want to be rejected. I am afraid that he already has a girlfriend, in fact, one of my friends had seen him with a girl the week before. But the connection we have is undeniable. What I want to know is if everyone thinks that it is over, since it has been so long and we were only together for a short while; or seeing as that we were really enamored with oneanother for that short time, there is a possibility that we will get back together. In addition, should I call him and tell him how I feel about him, or should I just leave it alone and wait for him to call me? I really don't want to give up on this guy. I have never felt this connection with anyone before. I have never cared so much. In the three months since we broke up I have gone out with other guys, but I have not liked any of them. My mind is solely on him. What should I do? Link to post Share on other sites
dixiegirl4984 Posted September 15, 2005 Share Posted September 15, 2005 My advise to you is to call him and tell him how you feel. He won't know unless you tell him. My guess is he still cares for you but he is a man and men have a hard time admitting their feelings. Link to post Share on other sites
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