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to sparkle or Tony

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Is it ok if I post here if I ever need advise on friendships to post them even though they arent relationships? I usually get stuck sometimes and need friendship advise but it kind of entered my mind. is this only a relitionship forum but can it be for friendships too? I dont want to be in trouble so thought id check first.


Have a nice Memeorial DAy weekend.


its raining here in Massachusetts.

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In broad terms, this forum is for any problem you have that troubles you. Love has no limits. Certainly friendship is easily within the scope of a love issue.


Feel free to post any problem you want here. If people don't answer, then you sort of know you posted in the wrong place.


Also, I strongly recommend as a practical matter you try to solve as many problems as possible yourself, using your own common sense. I think we are able to grow as humans when we stretch our imaginations and arrive a solutions that come from within us. Learning to listen to yourself is essential to being a healthy human.


Making mistakes is good. When we become perfect, if that's at all possible, a great part of life's meaning is lost.


Have a great Memorial Day yourself. And it is dry as hell where I am in Florida and we're in the midst of the worst drought in 100 years. Send some of that rain southward.

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