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No Contact

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My wife and I are trying the no contact thing for 30 days. She doesn't think she loves me, and doesn't feel a spark right now. She moved out and we are considering divorce. Day 2 and it sucks for me already. Does this work, and can it bring back a spark?

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Same situation..I'm in day #555..now u decide


i don't think your suppose to sit and count the days if you do that it will drive you insane. you gotta go about your everyday life i know it sounds easier said then done but the point is to try and move on


now in the case of bringing some one back i really don't think that works and you shouldn't hold out for someone coming back cause if they don't that pain will feel alot worse then no contact.

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I dont know if that goes along with that saying if you love them let them go and if its meant to be they will come back...or something like that. I don't think that would work on all cases, I think that space makes things worse sometimes. I dunno

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I hear you on this one. I left my boyfriend and our apartment yesterday. I know the next days, weeks, or months are going to be tough. You grow to have someone else in your daily life and for that to be gone in an instant is tough to take. I thought I would rather have that companionship with the drama, than be alone. But when I got home, I couldn't handle the silence and tension. That's what cemented my decision to leave and give each other space. I don't want our current situation to grow worse if we did stay together.


It is hard to hear that your partner isn't sure about your future together. They have feelings for you, but not sure what they want. Especially when you know that you want them. However, you have to remember that time apart is not necessarily a bad thing. Who knows, you might discover that you can live life without them. Or that you are truly are meant to be together. I have a close friend who separated from her husband. And now they are closer than ever. There is always that possibility.


Good luck with the next 28 days. I know what you are going through. I hope that it doesn't take longer than that for my boyfriend and I to come to decision. And I hope it is a good one. Take care.

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