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Liberal women

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No, they're not all liberal, but women may be liberal on many issues that require a lot of empathy, because women are more empathetic to the needs of others. I considered myself liberal until this year the extreme left disgusted me and also scared me with how little they care about national security and law enforcement. I don't like the new left at all. They take everything too far -- as does the right usually.


I am for moderate (compared to today's left) women's rights. I'm not for funding everyone's babies. I think people should mainly do that themselves since it's optional. I'm for equal pay for equal work.


I'm for extreme border security, including steel walls where needed and I'm for our military being down there just like they are at borders all across the world. I'm against chain migration, for legalizing existing but not future DACAs. At this point, I think we should wall California off since they've given the state to the criminals and have biased judges.


I'm for having strict environmental controls and this is one of my biggest beefs with the right. I'm for taxing corporations and churches and not putting the burden on the middle class. I'm for consumer taxation, where the more you purchase/consume of anything material, whether you're a company or a family, the more you pay. I think that's the only fair way.


I'm for keeping America wild and not letting corporations ruin it's wilderness areas and oceans. I'm for tax incentives for people to spay/neuter/provide healthcare and adopt rather than buy pets for as long as we are euthanizing millions each year, just as I am for making it economically feasible for people to adopt or foster children, for as long we have a suffering surplus.


I'm for supporting police and law enforcement. I don't think police should be blamed when people flee from or fight them when they're trying to do their jobs and that whatever happens once a criminal makes that choice is their own fault. At any time, they could have saved themselves by making a different choice, like not to do criminal activity that resulted in a warrant and resisting arrest, like not dragging your kids to the front lines of a border war and getting them gassed. It's on them.


I am for restricting which weapons can be sold. I don't think police should have to worry about being outgunned. I don't think civilians have any need for weapons that aren't good for anything other than mass killings. I think you can enjoy target practice with something that takes a little more skill to hit the target.


Bottom line: I don't know one politician that I really endorse....because they're too divided along party issues they've adopted.


The OP's problem is a common and new one that's sprung up in the last couple of years, since Trump ran for president. I can understand it up to a point. Trump is very unconventional. He's famous for firing people on a reality show. Now he's doing it all the time in the White House. He says things that are straight-up lies or that he himself has contradicted. So I get why anyone would fear him. I hate what he's doing to the environment. I like what he's doing with tariffs. I desperately want him to win the border issue and make this country secure. I like his fortitude and that he's trying to make good on some campaign promises.


I have cut people off Twitter because I don't like propaganda from either side, and there's been nothing but for two years now. I don't care if they're pro-Trump or against him -- I don't want to hear anyone spewing propaganda because too many people believe it rather than taking the time to keep up with the news (which is also spewing propaganda).

Edited by preraph
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Liberal, by definition, is being open to opposing or differing values and lifestyles. So, by definition, a liberal woman should be fairly easy to get along with. The sharing of opinions is the heart of liberalism.

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Liberal, by definition, is being open to opposing or differing values and lifestyles. So, by definition, a liberal woman should be fairly easy to get along with. The sharing of opinions is the heart of liberalism.


Well, then my liberal female friends need to get a dictionary. They behave the exact opposite of this. Well, many of them. Most, probably.

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Are women more liberal than men? If so, why?


You're not going to get anything resembling an actual answer by asking a random forum. You're going to get a bunch of half-baked opinions based on people's personal experiences and prejudices and how they feel about women and liberals. :laugh:


If you're looking for the TRUTH, you'll need to dig up some serious studies with large numbers.


Electoral surveys are one way to go. Do women vote conservative more or less than men? Is it a BIG difference or a SMALL difference? Does it become a much bigger difference if you select women of a specific race or age or religion?


Here's a source for data in the US: Wide Gender Gap, Growing Educational Divide in Voters? Party Identification | Pew Research Center


It looks like yes, women are clearly more likely to align with the Democrats. But, of course, it's still nowhere near ALL women. IIRC 53% of white women surveyed in exit polls said they voted Trump.


According to data from the UK, for years and years women were MORE conservative than men, but this is changing. https://www.conservativehome.com/thetorydiary/2018/04/the-conservatives-are-grappling-with-a-gender-voting-gap.html

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People will be passionate about their interest, whether it be politics, religion, vegetarianism, their salt and pepper shaker collection. Best to weed those ladies out early if you sense there will be conflict later on.



Pretty much this, CO.^



People throughout history have their 'them' and their 'others.' That's humanity so far. In my experience, people are open if they do not feel attacked. We all have more in common than not.


Soap boxes get kicked. Kick it CO.

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I'm not really sure it's a liberal vs conservative issue, rather a reflection of the unsettled political climate in your country where everything seems much more polarised than it was pre-2016.


I'm not American so to me, anyone to the right of Ocasio-Cortez is somewhat of a conservative; I'm guessing the average moderate 'liberal' woman will be ok with a fellow moderate conservative man who shows a modicum of perspective re the current Presidency, though.


I guess it's really is a question of moral values at this point, rather than purely political / economic differences.

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FWIW I don't let politics stand in MY way when selecting a dating partner


You should. If your aim is a relationship, ideally you want to have similar values with your partner otherwise you will struggle

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I have far left women friends on my FB. I'm not asking any of them out, they are way too far left. Some things I agree with Trump with, some I don't. I don't think Trump is this monster like the far left and the media like to describe him.

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There's TONS of leftist women. If you don't mention politics, they are great for casual sex.... and I've had sex with a lot of them. Usually very openminded and enjoy sex with another girl.


Conservative women also have issues. They tend to be the "motherhood, apple pie, and the flag" type. Not likely to have a relationship with another woman. So for me, I prefer the libertarian/anarchist type, or those with no politics at all who can be educated.


Each to their own. If you want sex, leave politics alone and go have fun. If you want a long-term relationship, politics definitely are a thing. The OP is likely going to want a conservative woman, or one with no politics who can be influenced into a certain way of thinking. There's some out there, but certain OLD sites are mostly stocked with leftists.

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Why would you bring politics into dating?


The probablity of left wing political tendency is reversely correlated with the looks: as hotter a woman is-as less likely she would support "open borders, wealth redistribution, single mothery,anti-white racism,feminism etc". Most women are quite tolerant to gays though (so are most at least marginally intelligent men).

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If - god forbid - I ever plummeted into OLD, I’d also screen out people whose political views I found offensive. Your political views signal your moral outlook. I wouldn’t want to be with someone - even for a coffee date - if I found their morals offensive.

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There's TONS of leftist women. If you don't mention politics, they are great for casual sex.... and I've had sex with a lot of them. Usually very openminded and enjoy sex with another girl.


Conservative women also have issues. They tend to be the "motherhood, apple pie, and the flag" type. Not likely to have a relationship with another woman. So for me, I prefer the libertarian/anarchist type, or those with no politics at all who can be educated.


Each to their own. If you want sex, leave politics alone and go have fun. If you want a long-term relationship, politics definitely are a thing. The OP is likely going to want a conservative woman, or one with no politics who can be influenced into a certain way of thinking. There's some out there, but certain OLD sites are mostly stocked with leftists.


He's probably not unlike a lot of guys that are ok with moderate views on either side, but happens to be finding a glut of the ultra liberal types on OLD...Who are so intolerant and bitter, that there is no possible way they could find any guy to fit their mold..



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I find it hilarious that y’all conflate liberalism with perceived unattractiveness. Laugh my heiny off. Come to Los Angeles. Everyone is liberal and good looking.


Also, what do someone’s looks have to do with anything? Leave it up to a thread speculating about the thoughts and habits of women to include some discussion of looks. For what is a woman’s value beyond her beauty? Give me a break.

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Not necessarily. There’s women that lean conservative that can’t stand the extremism of it. There’s no balance or reason in his supporters. They just don’t seem healthy in the head and its definitely not something you want to be around or bring over to the family. I’ve worked all day with these men and while they have plenty of support for Trump and even more opinions about how life should be, these guys go back to their cheating, their complaining, their video games, their gun range hobbies, and do absolutely nothing to improve their life. It’s always someone else’s fault. Like coming in to work with a wrinkled uniform and perform the least amount of work possible is supposed to get them somewhere amazing in life. Are everyone this way? Probably not, but it’s a group you want no part of.

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Why would you bring politics into dating?


The probablity of left wing political tendency is reversely correlated with the looks: as hotter a woman is-as less likely she would support "open borders, wealth redistribution, single mothery,anti-white racism,feminism etc". Most women are quite tolerant to gays though (so are most at least marginally intelligent men).


it’s called “inversely” correlated. Not reversely, Not that you are even using the concept properly.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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There are lots of conservatives who are not Trump supporters and a lot of Trump supporters who are not conservative. Personally I would never date a Trump supporter because I believe they have poor moral character.

Edited by Simple Logic
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I find it hilarious that y’all conflate liberalism with perceived unattractiveness. Laugh my heiny off. Come to Los Angeles. Everyone is liberal and good looking.


Also, what do someone’s looks have to do with anything? Leave it up to a thread speculating about the thoughts and habits of women to include some discussion of looks. For what is a woman’s value beyond her beauty? Give me a break.


I know, it’s highlarious. :lmao:


Liberal women: ugly, middle aged, portly, shabbily dressed, have nothing productive going on between their ears, radical, churlish and have nothing to offer a man in a relationship. And we have apparently organized a successful takeover of most dating sites, leaving conservative minded men few options for a booty call/hook-up.


Hurry and check out Farmers Only and ChristianMingle before we decide we want those sites as well.

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I know, it’s highlarious. :lmao:


Liberal women: ugly, middle aged, portly, shabbily dressed, have nothing productive going on between their ears, radical, churlish and have nothing to offer a man in a relationship. And we have apparently organized a successful takeover of most dating sites, leaving conservative minded men few options for a booty call/hook-up.


Hurry and check out Farmers Only and ChristianMingle before we decide we want those sites as well.


Omg I love this - I needed this chuckle today

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Plus we are able to hold down jobs and support ourselves. Y’all know how unattractive that is! Better to be barefoot in the kitchen.

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I know, it’s highlarious. :lmao:


Liberal women: ugly, middle aged, portly, shabbily dressed, have nothing productive going on between their ears, radical, churlish and have nothing to offer a man in a relationship. And we have apparently organized a successful takeover of most dating sites, leaving conservative minded men few options for a booty call/hook-up.


Hurry and check out Farmers Only and ChristianMingle before we decide we want those sites as well.


This truly is one of my favorite posts on this board ever, LOL!!!

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I have to ponder if some men aren’t downright intimidated by liberal women.


Most liberal women I know - most women I know - don’t NEED a man. They chose to be with someone (or not) because their partner added value to their life, not because they NEEDED a man.


Financially independent, educated, thoughtful...


And if you needed an orgasm? There are vibrators for that if you didn’t have the right guy around.


But I don’t know any single women IRL at this point. My circle of strongly liberal friends are all married or living together.


And I’d say most are a 7 or above on a typical “looks” category. Most have the financial liberty to get weekly hair styling, manicure/pedicure, shopping, etc


Those little perks of being educated, prior DINK later in life relationships (many now like myself adding one or two well planned and timed children)

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Thread closed, it seems some posters cannot play well together, as moderation here is voluntary and it's the holiday season I for one am not willing to give arguing over this any more of my time.


If another moderator wants to reopen the thread they are more than welcome to but I would suggest doing so after the holidays.


Please do not start another thread on this topic this holiday.



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