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Does he like me?

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Ok guys- well i was going out with this boy for almost 4 months, and we split up a while back- and didnt contact each other for about 4 weeks after that... however last weekend he text me!!!!! asking how i was etc- and we decided to meet up the next day for lunch, and then have seen each other every day since. However being with him again- has made me like him all over again, and i really want to get back 2gether with him. He keeps texting me like all the time- and we chat on the internet loads, and he complements me quite a bit- although i just cant tell what he wants. I mean it could just be a friend ship thing, but im too scared to say anything (or even dont know wat to say) to ask him if he wants to be more than friends again incase i loose him again........ hmmmm what do u guys think? Any advice would be great.

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