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She can't remember one image(read inside weird)

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Hello to all

I have been dating this girl for 5months now, she was with her bf for 5 years but it was all habbit..she only likes him as friend and someone like brother she told me and proved me many times that...however this guys still loves her...she has bad temper and when she is angry she would call him and one time she went over there to him with her brother so she was not alone. She was mad and she did that because we got into fight so she wanted to feel me jealous.

She sent me one pic that evening of her and him, plain picture...and she wanted me to feel some pain she is maybe bipolar or emotional unstable, she is weird..but she swears and cries that she doesn't remember that image at all..

But she knows all what she did that night etc...Now my question is how can i trust this girl since when we are ok she shows me that she loves me but i just can't understand this picture how can't she remember?


What would you do in my situation?

She admitted she was guilty and that she only did that because although they are friends she wanted to make me jealous because she loves me so much.

How can i be sure and how can't she remember this, like she was drugged .


Weird :/

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I don't think you truly want a woman who wants to incite drama by sending you pictures of her ex. We'll never know why she couldn't remember, maybe it was drugs, maybe it was alcohol, maybe she was denying it so she can conveniently have two men in her life. This woman is immature and you should not let her manipulate you.

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You can't trust this girl. She is immature & playing head games. Healthy, stable mature people don't go running to their EX after a fight with their SO with the sole purpose of making the SO jealous.

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