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Good Friend or Something More?

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Hi all -- need some advice about a male friend of mine. What sorts of things define a "something more" relationship with a male friend (and please don't say having sex......I obviously know that one). What boundaries have to be crossed to make it apparent that we are closer than normal male/female friend relationships? I am not in a position at the moment to ask him straight out. He sends very mixed signals. He does the teasing/insulting thing, emails me sweet "friendship forwards", talks to me about anything and everything. I feel very very close to him. I know he has alot of other friends that are girls, that he has no feelings for. I don't know these girls, so I don't know if he treats them the same way.


I am just way confused.

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It sounds like he is probably confused and can't make up his mind. I find myself acting like this often with women that I think I may be interested in but just can't make up my mind about. If he is sending e-mails specifically to you it is a good sign he has some level of interest. The bad news is that, from my experience, I rarely get past the confused stage and decide I am actually interested in a woman. If you have an interest in him, you may have to push the issue and then he may bite. I wouldn't count on him doing it himself.

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What sorts of things define a "something more" relationship with a male friend.


let's see..

1. he touches you

2. he asks you out one on one

3. he shows you to his family

4. he asks you about your private life

5. he kisses you on the lips (duh)


so far what he does to you is more flirting than anything. Go along with his flirting, but don't make yourself too available and see what happens.

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