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i love him but he dont love me back :(

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i know this guy who i get on well with, and have done on and off for just under a year. i am head over heals in LOVE with him and have been for ages. its my biggest wish ever for him to feel the same. but.... he is so buff, and has so many girls after him hed never even consider me, im only a friend... how can i get him to notice me, or even drop the hint i like him (lots!)??? i cant stop thinking about him, and get really excited when i see him -ive got it BAD!! xxx

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You should just tell him. If you can't bring yourself to flat out say "I like you", why don't you ask him to hang out sometime. Even if you hang out with a group of friends, at least you will be with him and hopefully get the nerve up to tell him how you feel. You will regret it if you don't tell him. Even if he says he only wants to stay friends, then at least you will know and can hang out as friends. Sometimes the best relationships start off as friends. On the otherside, if he says he doesn't want to hang out then at least you will know how he feels and can move on. Then you won't have to waste time wondering about him and can move on.

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i am head over heals with this lad i love him to bits an we are together but he go's to meet some other girls cause so many girls like him.I asked him if he loves me an he said dono then said no then kept saying dono.All i want is for him to love me back he means the world to me.I would choose anyone over him.If we split up i dono what i would do cause he means the world to me.I will never be able to let him go i feel like crying when im not with him i think about him 24/7 please can you help me.

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