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Why doesn’t he feel bad?

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Hi my ex has broken up with me around 6 months ago. It was really hard because he was my first love I was devasted to find out he moved on with another girl, already dating, in a couple days. I think I am mostly over it I’m dating someone new but we have not talked at all since. I’m bothered by the fact that he does not seemed to have shown one but of remorse or sadness even when reporting to friends. It just hurts me to believe I was not a big impact on his life when we dated for 2 years. I think I want to hear that it was at least a little hard for him in order to fully move on. Advice?

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Happy Lemming

After two people break up, either party can do as they wish.


Maybe this guy (mentally) checked out of the relationship 6 months prior to the breakup and was just going through the motions. If a relationship is starting to go south, some people start looking for a soft place to land, a "just in case" person, if you will.


If a woman dumps me (out of the blue), before she finishes her next sentence, I'm already thinking about where I can find her replacement. I'll go out searching that night looking for "Miss Right for Tonight" and in some cases I have found such a person.


He can mourn the ending of the relationship his way and you can mourn it your way.

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He may have experienced his frustration and issues earlier and been totally ready to get out and just relieved. Also, everyone doesn't have the same depth of love or caring, just in general. Some people just care more than others. And of course, on top of that, it varies per who they're with. He may have been just very self-centered and not empathetic or something like that.


It's always possible he cared more about sex and less about you as a person, or not. You can't always tell. He may just not have had deep feelings. You have to know that some people just don't have that capacity. He's moved on and I'm glad you have to, and you need to forget about him. After all, he wasn't the one, and now you are realizing he probably never was even all that invested or maybe just isn't a person who feels that much. So you're better off finding one who does better.

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EXs rarely show concerns for their former partner's feelings. Even if he was initially upset, he was not about to broadcast that.


Since this is your 1st love, you have no experience. You mistakenly thought this was wonderful & would last for ever. First loves rarely do.


Stop focusing on him & what he may or may not be feeling. Instead, focus on your own healing. You got hurt but you survived. It's time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off & get back out here, to find new love.

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