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Mental Healthcare Sucks

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Cupid's Puppet
You chose these men to be in a relationship with. Dear Lord...do you not own any of your part and just shift total blame whenever it suits you?


Why wouldn’t you hope I’m in the field? You already have a poor opinion so that would just solidify it for you and give you cause to be even more justified in thinking you’re right about everything.


Yes you are so right. First I chose a guy to date knowing he would cheat. Next, I chose a guy to date knowing he would ghost. Then I chose a guy to date knowing full well he would assault me in the relationship. I knew all this when I exhanged numbers with them. I'm going to ignore you at this point. I think I've shown enough respect by reading 3 of your insulting posts so far. At this point you are talking to be talking.

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We are all interdependent. So it's impossible to take sole responsibility for every good and bad thing in my life when other people contribute to it.


It sounds like you might benefit from taking a break from dating and seeking more spiritual guidance. We are all interdependent.

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Thank you for your concern. I am no longer in the relationship. Ugh I can devote a whole thread to that' date=' but I won't. It ended about 2 months ago. Surprisingly I have coped pretty well for the most part. And it's weird how I moved past it. There are just times, like when I created this thread, I feel burdened by this secret and think how it would be nice for someone to help me process it all. It's in the past, but you never forget. Anyhow, your post inspired me to look back at the package I was given. There's some pamphlets with numbers to 24-hr hotlines for counseling and groups. I don't know though. I really don't want to be in contact with other women who were in that position and more than likely experienced worse for a longer period of time. This is also making me angry all over again.[/quote']


Hey OP,


Sigh. This world can certainly make you feel like it couldn't give a sh*t about what happens to you. It almost seems like people have to come to the end of their rope and consider suicide before anyone even notices. I understand how you feel.


As an unrelated note to your post, you should share your story. I can see that it angers you to talk about it but I think that is exactly why you should talk about it. You need to freely express it and air it out, no holds barred. If you don't want talk about it in a thread, I am willing to listen via Personal message here.


I myself, have been through some very confining situations in life that were out of my control growing up. Things that caused a cascading sequences of decisions that led to more trauma in my life, regarding the choices I made career wise and in relationships. All of which made me feel lost. Talking it out and discovering there were others in the world who could actually share in my anger and pain, made me feel like I was less of an alien, and more human and it certainly gave me confidence in myself..it was therapeutic.


I question this world sometimes when mental health professionals charge an arm and a leg to people who are desperate and broken and just looking for some kind of human connection.


Anyway, it is just a suggestion if you wish to.


- Beach

Edited by Beachead
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  • 3 weeks later...
devilish innocent

I'm with you about the mental health treatment, CP. I saw a therapist for seven months, then realized she was making things worse rather than better. I decide to switch therapists and find three that appear to be just what I'm looking for. I contacted each of the three twice and never heard a peep back. I get that they're probably not accepting new patients at this time, but you'd think that after the second contact, they could at least acknowledge me by sending back some type of a response. Between the issues I had with my last therapist and then having three who leave me hanging, it makes me feel like giving up on therapy altogether.

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  • 1 month later...
Yes you are so right. First I chose a guy to date knowing he would cheat. Next' date=' I chose a guy to date knowing he would ghost. Then I chose a guy to date knowing full well he would assault me in the relationship. I knew all this when I exhanged numbers with them. I'm going to ignore you at this point. I think I've shown enough respect by reading 3 of your insulting posts so far. At this point you are talking to be talking.[/quote']



I know this is a couple of months old, but I stumbled upon your post just tonight whilst browsing the forum.


Your posts made me think of a period in my life where I started having similar questions as you - questions that therapists couldn't answer, but could facilitate in my coming to realisations. I got further answers through research. Your relationship history is not necessarily your fault - have you heard of attachment theories and attachment trauma? I literally binge watched youtube videos on this kind of thing when I realised the pattern of men I was attracted to were similar to yours - lovely at first, and then switching once I was 'secured'. I don't mean to sound so cliche but...its worth exploring what your childhood was like as this patterns often have their root cause there. I had so many revelations that at one point it felt like 'be careful what you wish for!' and almost wished i'd never sought answers! But of course, it was worth it to deal with the discomfort of realising uncomfortable truths and i can say now, though I am working on a lot of my troubles from my childhood, one thing I definitely don't do is get into relationships like i used to. Once you know, you can't 'un-know' and you become a pro at spotting the red flags and how to better navigate the dating system.


I hope things have improved for you somewhat, and that you get the answers you seek. Good luck!

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