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thanks for the advice, btw- you are the one ryan

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hi again...


it must be strange to see a second posting from someone with such a simple question. i think the loveshack, and the people who work through it are great. i guess i was a little insecure when i posted this, but also in the spirit of old friendships, i wanted to see if ryan would recognize me. thanks again bethbonnie for answering also. your advice was great, you seem to be a very wise and caring person. ryan, thank you also. i'm glad you are still the big sweetie you were long ago. this is my chosen mode of contact, so hi, here i am. mail me if you want to talk sometime. okay? thank you again loveshack/lovetalk and everyone who is brave enough to post things here, and those who are kind enough to answer. if anyone ever needs someone to talk to, feel free to mail me...i may not have as much experience as some people, but i'll be there to listen. goodbye, take care of yourselves!



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