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Ive posted here a couple of days ago, my problem this guy I met 8 months ago, told me he was seeing someone else, I dont know if its true or not, or did I just catch him off guard. I have never really told him how I felt about him and we he admitted it to me, I lost it and accussed him of seeing someone. We still talk, but not all the time, and he is acting like nothing, which I am to He hasent even mentioned that conversation we had, not that he has to cause he is free to do as he pleases, Should I leave well enough alone or should I tell him how I feel about him. I really like and care for this guy alot.

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What any other person does with their own time is absolutely none of your business nor do they owe you any explanation whatsoever. If he told you he was seeing someone, he told you that for a reason...either he IS seeing someone or he wants you to think he is.


You have absolutely no business meddling in his life. You aren't dating him, he has no committment to you, and it doesn't seem he is a very good friend.


It sounds like he made a real good decision in keeping his distance from you. I hope you will consider staying out of other people's lives.


After your childish trantrum, it would make no difference to him if you're interested in him or not. I promise you, men keep their distance from controlling women.


If you hope to have even a slight chance with him sometime in the future when you have maybe changed your ways, you might just apologize to him for your behavior.

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hi sandy,


i sound like the beatles there...i think you should, as you put it, leave well enough alone. this guy had a good reason to tell you he was seeing someone else. the most likely reason, is because he was/is with someone. you are highly unlike to tell someone "i'm seeing someone" if you didn't want them to believe it. i know this might sound a bit mean and/or childish, but that is what i tell a guy when i know they are interested me and i want them to back off. i don't want them to think they have a chance, because they don't.


if this guy ever wants to have any sort of relationship with you, it will ultimately be up to him to head down that avenue. in the meantime, i suggest that you don't push the issue, and go out there and have a great time meeting available guys....guys who would be happy to get to know you better. don't waste any more time on this particular guy (8 months is a long time).


good luck to you! :)

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Let me just say I didnt yell at him, I just jumped to that conclusion that he was seeing someone, when He at that point didnt want to see me. I was just asking him alot of questions, there was no tantrum involved. and I agree 100% that it is none of my buisness, thats why I let it go. By the way I apologized to him for overreacting. I am just confused cause I thought that we had something..... and I cant get him out of my ming

What any other person does with their own time is absolutely none of your business nor do they owe you any explanation whatsoever. If he told you he was seeing someone, he told you that for a reason...either he IS seeing someone or he wants you to think he is. You have absolutely no business meddling in his life. You aren't dating him, he has no committment to you, and it doesn't seem he is a very good friend. It sounds like he made a real good decision in keeping his distance from you. I hope you will consider staying out of other people's lives.


After your childish trantrum, it would make no difference to him if you're interested in him or not. I promise you, men keep their distance from controlling women. If you hope to have even a slight chance with him sometime in the future when you have maybe changed your ways, you might just apologize to him for your behavior.

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I know exactly what you mean...but it's a lot better to focus your mind on people you have a good idea or know for sure are interested in you.


Millions of hours of time are wasted every year by people thinking about or pursuing people who just aren't interested. I guess it's just human nature to want what is unattainable. But that doesn't make it rational.


I know there are lots of guys out there who will show great interest in you if you let them. I hope you react favorably to the ones you are mutually interested in.

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