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This is driving me mad someone help!

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;) This is one of the complicated relationship ever anywaz.


Been around here a while and posted threads but i still need advice on my next move.




Starting going out with my best mate who i loved for ages back in Arpil we have known each other all our lifes Friend of the family kind of thing we have loved each other for years but never got together for different reaosns untill Aprill.


Anywaz during tis time this is what as happened...



1,Her ex Boyfriend god bless him died and obviously she was upset and everything.


2.We carry on going out during this time and we love each other extra.


3.About the start of June she says to me look i love you and everything but don't wnat a relationship right now i need my space at the moment.


4.In the end after chasing her extra to win her back i gave up.


5.Met well dated someone else for a few days and when the ex found out she wasn't to pleased even tho she told me to move on.


6.After the start of July she starts saying im ready for a relationship now and i want to be with you i love you.


7. Yes i loved her back so thought i would give it another go blow the other girl i was dating right off (felt guilty about the way i did it).


8. Got back with her everyone was fine we was both happy.


9.Went on holiday to cyprus for 2 weeks text her everyday kept in touch everyday she kept saying she missed me and couldn't wait till i got back and i couldn't wait to see her gave up my holiday really because all the other mates wer ahving fun with the women extra,


10. Got back everything was perfect we was in love and we spent loads of time together.


11. Then after about 2 weeks she starst going very moody like the first time we split upi asked her what was wrong she kept saying stop been paranoid.


12.Finally on Monday i got her to talk and she said..


Sorry i don't want a relationship with you at the moment but i love you but i can't give you what you need! I sitll want to be your best friend your my soul mate.


I didn't know what to say even tho i knew it was coming i never said if i wanted to carry on the Friendship even tho i want to because i love her i feel to strong for her.


Text her today saying can we please talk if we love each other we should be together right! She said look give me some space i want you as a mate your my best friend please give me space.


But i really don't know if i can be her friend she really got my hopes up again about us and she ends it like she aint botherd.


But on the other hand i feel if i don't text her talk to her she will miss me again and want me back (the last time she did when i didn't keep in touch with her)


So what should i do be her friend or walkaway keep myself busy and make her miss me again and hopefully she will come back?


What would you do i really love her and we should be together she even said it!


Please help thanks i know i have loads of advice on here and i thank you for it!

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