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HELP ME!!!!!!!

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alright i have this ... ah.. "issue" theres this guy, he lives like 2 miles from me. and we were at a party saturday nite.. and we really clicked. i liked him when i was younger. but he wouldnt give me the time of day. well he did saturday nite. he wasnt drunk. but he told me to call him the next day.. well its weds now and ive been trying to get ahold of him. but no luck. should i just give up??

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hi e,


well, some people might disagree with me here, but the way i see it, if he knows where you are, then he should call you.


i'm sure he knows you've been trying to call. as a matter of fact, he's probably been expecting it. i'd let it drop for now, and if he doesn't give you a call at all, then i think it would be safe to assume that nothing was likely to happen.


perhaps it's your turn to play hard to get :)


good luck!

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i think if he was really interested, he would trying to be getting in touch with YOU. i would let it go for now and stop calling him. you don't want him to think you are too desperate or that you are chasing him...not a good look! if he eventually gets in touch with you, then good, but if not then he ain't worth your time!!!

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