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Thoughts on The Best Option


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Absent geographic separation and lack of opportunity, I wonder how often EA only affairs occur with someone nearby? These are adults, and I would think sexual variety is a main motivator, especially for men. With multiple AP’s, I’d be skeptical...


Mr. Lucky


Approaching "never" would be my best guess. Think about it, what would you do? Are you going to risk your marriage to have some girl send you cute emojis in TXT? I can tell you, I'm sure as hell not going to. If I'm having an A, it's for sex, and I'm going to be having sex or not having an A. And I think that most men are like this, and EA will be tolerated for the purpose of moving to a PA, but not as a stable condition (or as stable as an A can be). Simply put, it has all the risk of an A without any of the upside (or would for me, and I doubt many men are that different). Yes, I think a lot of women would be happy to just have an EA, I think my wife would have been happy stopping there. But very few men are going to accept that. It's an A for crap sake!

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Turning point
Absent geographic separation and lack of opportunity, I wonder how often EA only affairs occur with someone nearby? These are adults, and I would think sexual variety is a main motivator, especially for men. With multiple AP’s, I’d be skeptical...


When there's a mental illness or personality disorder involved I think it can happen more often than we believe, especially with women because of the social or religious legacy they might internalize.


Yes, the OM is pursuing and chasing sex. The disordered woman however, has as many dysfunctional "rules" as she does behaviors and she strings the man along like a horse chasing a carrot he'll never reach.


It's still and affair, and very intense but, may actually look more like the Road Runner and Wiley E. Coyote.

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Yes, the OM is pursuing and chasing sex. The disordered woman however, has as many dysfunctional "rules" as she does behaviors and she strings the man along like a horse chasing a carrot he'll never reach.


You could be right. I'll just say that in those marriages I personally know of where infidelity was a factor, it was a PA. This includes my own first marriage...


Mr. Lucky

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