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Met her on a TV show, and it played out like one.


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JustAnotherLostLove, I hope my post didn't discourage you. It seems to me you and your lady friend had much more in common that I did with the person who contacted me. Keep us posted!

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if she really liked him she would of made sure he had her contact info before she left...



Probably true most of the time. I have run into women from my past that years later mentioned they were into me and should have made more effort, or spent a few weeks trying to get in touch (pre-cell phone and internet college days).



Women don't always like to initiate and that means passing their number along. I wouldn't say it's 100% though.

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JustAnotherLostLove, I hope my post didn't discourage you. It seems to me you and your lady friend had much more in common that I did with the person who contacted me. Keep us posted!


No, it didn't discourage me. I'm just trying to let this go. I actually found her, and reached out to her in a professional manner, through an industry site. I know she'll just end up being another person of passing, so I'm trying to be okay with that now. Again, what bothers me most, was missing her on that street corner and losing an opportunity to have a few minutes with her, outside of work. Then the Hotel doesn't give her my note. I just couldn't believe how it all unfolded like that. Really, what are the odds? And now I'm on a website consulting with strangers about it. I'm bothered that it bothers me so much. I just think it's time to do the right thing, be an adult, and move on from it.


To answer everyone else.. I have no idea if she "likes" me, that's not something I was concerned about. I just met someone amazing, and wanted to know them as much as I could before they left.

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Maybe she'll respond to you on the professional site. In which case you could possibly broach moving your acquaintance into more of a personal vein.

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Maybe she'll respond to you on the professional site. In which case you could possibly broach moving your acquaintance into more of a personal vein.


Yeah, we'll see what happens. I appreciate your advice, as well as everyone elses. I didn't mean to come off as unappreciative. I'm sorry.

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No need to apologize! You didn't come off as unappreciative at all! You seem to be a great guy, considerate and all; someone she should get to know!:)

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that's rough, and i know all about that set love. a few years ago when i wasn't really sure what to do for work i did a bunch of extra stuff, and pa stuff, and there were a fair few times when i thought i'd fell in love. 99% of the time i'd chalk it up to exhaustion, but there was one time i met this great girl who i chatted with for hours, same sort of stuff we had really similar taste in movies, actors, etc. and i asked if she wanted to go see a movie at this screening house that had them on tuesdays. she said yes, and told me to call my number on her phone so we'd have each other's numbers. i did that, left myself a message etc. my phone was dead at the time but there was no reason why i shouldn't have got the voicemail. nonetheless, i get home and charge the thing, but there's no message! no missed call! it was like god, or some large bird, grabbed the message out of the sky and took her away from me.


then it was the same sort of thing, nobody knew her, never saw her again. years later, like a lightning bolt i saw her as a suggested friend on facebook out of the blue. i added her and she remembered me, but she probably thought i had just blown her off and didn't really seem to buy my story. i asked her if she wanted to go see the movie after all but she never responded. luckily at that point i was over her, but it's the worst when you have those missed opportunity style things. and you can never really recreate it again, especially that on-set stuff. it exists for a moment, which might be hours or days but is geologically a moment, then floats away as soon as you strike

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that's rough, and i know all about that set love. a few years ago when i wasn't really sure what to do for work i did a bunch of extra stuff, and pa stuff, and there were a fair few times when i thought i'd fell in love. 99% of the time i'd chalk it up to exhaustion, but there was one time i met this great girl who i chatted with for hours, same sort of stuff we had really similar taste in movies, actors, etc. and i asked if she wanted to go see a movie at this screening house that had them on tuesdays. she said yes, and told me to call my number on her phone so we'd have each other's numbers. i did that, left myself a message etc. my phone was dead at the time but there was no reason why i shouldn't have got the voicemail. nonetheless, i get home and charge the thing, but there's no message! no missed call! it was like god, or some large bird, grabbed the message out of the sky and took her away from me.


then it was the same sort of thing, nobody knew her, never saw her again. years later, like a lightning bolt i saw her as a suggested friend on facebook out of the blue. i added her and she remembered me, but she probably thought i had just blown her off and didn't really seem to buy my story. i asked her if she wanted to go see the movie after all but she never responded. luckily at that point i was over her, but it's the worst when you have those missed opportunity style things. and you can never really recreate it again, especially that on-set stuff. it exists for a moment, which might be hours or days but is geologically a moment, then floats away as soon as you strike


Yes, exactly, you get it! In all fairness tho, I never asked her out or anything like that. And as many shows as I've been on, which is a LOT, I never met anyone who piqued my interest. Again, we got along great and everything, but I have no idea if she gives a ****. I was willing to sell her on me tho, and I feel like I lost that chance. I didn't even realize the last time we talked, would be the last time. As you know well, that's how fast things move on set!


Again, I'm willing to move on and all that, but I feel like I was cheated big time. I just want some sense of resolution.

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